If Visor.GG is now bannable

Apparently Pursuit got permission from Blizzard, that’s why they were given a partnership.

This is from Pursuit’s Discord server.

Jayne has also spoken out about this. There’s some speculation that one of the upcoming features will be a similar tool but it’s still very confusing why Blizzard would seemingly contradict themselves

Not ridiculous at all, it just makes it abundantly clear that seeking an advantage, ANY advantage from 3rd party programs is considered cheating.

Zero ambiguity now. You do it, you’re cheating. End of discussion.

lmao no

OWL players don’t get punished in these parts :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

tell that too ryujehong and others, who use a dpi switch and logitech mouse drivers. 3rd party programs, definite advantage.

Worst part of this is this could stop some companies from supporting OWL teams and streamers of OWL in the future because they have literally given the a-ok then sent out ban threats/warning to players/teams who used a programs they just said were fine. I wouldn’t be surprised if partnering up with them; then having their names used in the context of an email detailing programs that are invasive and detrimental to the game play experience cannot be contrived as slander.

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This is just my interpretation of the events that led up to this.

Obviously I could be wrong, but gotta admit the idea makes a lot of sense.

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Both automated.
Automated aspect of the game is against the rules.
Pull out the paper and pencils.

i have not received a warning email, so can i go on until i receive one?

good lets ban streamers then since the chat can do all the tracking and coaching for the player…

Actually you’re 100% wrong. You just tossed a blanket statement in response to a post talking about the silliness of blanket statements.

You’re leaving out the fact that Blizzard just slapped a OWL/OW partner in the face in this email. This is the PERFECT point for discussion, as they gave the ok for it prior to this sudden knee-jerk email that included the company name in it. This could very well be detrimental to possible companies funding such endeavors in the future and be a very slippery slope simply because of one email.

In all honestly this one email could set back possible connections and funding for many aspects of esports so this could be a VERY big deal.

I’m thinking that’s the most likely situation too

That’s…hilarious. Will these poor OWL players get banned too for using and endorsing this program? Good gravy.

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What likely happened is they refused to give Mei’s ultimate a bigger piece of the pie, and were totally cut off

better not… i doubt they will ban ppl for using it at this point… maybe they start the ban wave next month or so.

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Poor Snowball. :cry:

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The devs have been lazy. Look at how they handle balancing. Guys let’s just rework x hero into garbage. That’s blizz devs for you.

Pursuit is not automating anything within the game.

What you quoted is referring to macro’s, aiming for you, and things such as that. Recording numbers automatically for later viewing is not giving you an advantage in the game.

I think 3rd Party systems like visor should be allowed in QP, but not competitive as it can help with learning and awareness but not a way to replace learning that skill.

I most definitely have not got an email (just check spam/junk and all the inboxes).

With the minimal effort it takes to send an email, theres really no reason to put a brief popup on the screen forewarning players, especially pc where its actually going to be an issue…

I used Visor 2 times out of curiosity just to see what’s all about. It literally was useless (at least to me) because the hints it gives you, can be tracked anyway by the player having a bit of awereness. Now I got that Blizzard email aswell and I didn’t appreciate it at all.