If Tracer gets nerfed

I’d probably quit the game. It would be a clear indicator that overwatch is no longer interested in at least resembling an fps in any way. The last few heroes added have been heroes which require very little aim/skill. Many of the popular heroes in overwatch require very little skill to play( Junkrat, Moira, etc). I’m NOT saying the game will be bad if this happens. For my own personal preference, I will not enjoy the game anymore if my favorite hero (and the only one that is meta and actually requires traditional fps skills) will be gone. If you take offense to this, it was not my intention. That’s on you…


Tracer’s balanced. I highly doubt a change coming to her any time soon.

EDIT: why are so many people liking this?


She is a highly balanced character, most people who complain about her being op they just don’t know how to deal with her or what she is capable of, especially in low tiers i am a mid gold player and i main tracer. I face a lot of supports who for some reason wanna 1v1 me in the back line instead of asking for help to put me in a 2-3v1 situation. Ending up for them really bad.

I will always say this, from bronze to masters no one knows how to play tracer efficiently or correctly. Even in GM and top 500 how many deadlious tracers with incredible reflexes and sharp aim? Even with pros besides SBB, Effect, Capre and soon like outlaw they are suffering from not having a good tracer ( if she was so easy jake would have played her). If it was so easy why wouldn’t anyone play her and destroy everyone.

One more thing, people complain about her damage as if she isn’t a dps hero in a game that supports like zen / moira / Ana are capable of destroying enemy dps heroes and healing their team mates -,-.
Even tank can put huge amount of dps in overwatch so i don’t think it’s unfair for tracer which is a dps hero to do damage.

List of abilities that can / potentially destroy tracer:
Well placed helix rocket
Scatter arrow / full power arrow from hanzo
Junk’s trap / 1 concussion bomb from spamrat
Sleep dart / flash bang / brigette’s sheild bash
1 head shot from mei / mccree
1 pharah rocket
Moira’s orb on some maps like the last point on king’s row can destroy tracer since it’s a tiny room.

All of those abilities can kill tracer but instead of people mastering their gameplay they come here on the forum to whine.


you call it whining that your supposed counter is having to hit headshots on the smallest most mobile character in the game. hah, you’re funny. by the way most of what you listed don’t kill tracer, she’ll just blink to a health pack or recall and continue on her way.


Yeah it’s sooo hard to headshot tracer off a flashbang omg (not)


Tracer will never get nerfed, she’s probably one of the most balanced heroes in the game and blizzard knows this.


None of those kill tracer outright, they get her close to dead but you can say that ABOUT EVERY HERO, of course doing damage or stunning a hero will make them easier to kill than if they were at full health, no f*cking sh#t.

If you don’t kill tracer in one swoop and she has recall up, which a good tracer always will, then she will just be back to full health. Trying to make her seem easy to kill doesn’t prove your point, it just makes her seem unbalanced, which she isn’t. Her unkillability is the trade off for having such a high skill floor, sure she’s tiny and has a kit made for getting away and being slippery which makes her very hard to kill, but you need to be good at tracking and have very fast reaction speed for her to be useful, 2 of the hardest things to master in the game.


As a roadhog main, you sound a lot like a roadhog main defending hook 1.0. It was also really easy you just had to avoid the hook and then focus the roadhog in a team.


ya, its why you see so much mccree play… oh wait, you don’t. also, tracers effective range is 3 times that of flashbang just so you know.


Are you joking? McCree is one of the most consistent DPS heroes in the game with a very high pick rate.


no wonder you enjoy the game, your favourite hero is in the meta for how long is it now?.. almost all season? Tracer has always been good in every meta. Well, right now, tracer is the meta. When ana is the meta she got nerfed. When hog with the bullsh*t hook is meta it got changed. When mercy is meta, she got nerfed. When junkrat is meta, he got nerfed. You see where I’m going with this?


Another reason why they will never nerf cause of all the new hero’s they are putting out are anti flank/ dive. After sombra(even including her) have a way to deal with tracer.
Sombra= hack
Orisa= fortify (no one shot from pulse bomb which is stupid that it can’t one shot anything In the game)
Foomdist= CC
Moira= sustain and no aim
Bridget= more CC
Plus with the meta shifting to more tank focused it’s basically a pseudo nerf To the character (did I mention she’s squishy?) I myself am a tracer main and to all you tracer players out there guess what? It’s time to get good or switch if you want to get value out your hero.

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I do miss the old roadhog lol. But I was completely open to his nerf at the time. He was too easy. Tracer is not too easy. At most levels of play she is middle of the pack in pick rate and winnrate. She is only “op” at the highest ranks where you see people with god-like aim.

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The question people can’t answer is:

“How would you nerf Tracer without absolutely crippling her?”

They can’t answer because there is no answer. Tracer’s kit is like a finely balanced rapier; her abilities are simple, elegant, and absolutely devastating in the right hands but utterly useless in the hands of an inept. Nerfing any aspect of Tracer’s kit would be akin to, I don’t know, removing the hilt from the rapier or cutting its blade to a stub, neither would be usable let-alone able to fill their intended role.

Tracer is one of the most balanced characters in the game. She literally only good in the hands of good players and scales according to how good someone is.

Not only that tracer is the face of overwatch. You cant have the face of overwatch be weak or under powered. It has to be also the face of balance if that makes sense.

Ive heard tracer is mostly OP on LAN. This makes sense and if adjustments need to happen for that factor in those games. I get it.

remove 5 shots from her magazine. increase her blinks by 1-2 seconds

That’s what I’m saying. New heroes are being added and the meta is shifting in a way that she is getting more and more difficult to play. If they add an actual nerf on top of that, I’m afraid she’ll be useless.

then actually feel like any other main has felt when their heroes get nerfed. You cannot say she’s useless unless you have actually been forced to play her in a non-dominant state.

If you quit the game because your special snowflake gets nerfed, there will be millions of people who play this game that will not care at all. All the devs of OW will not care, they have your money. If you can’t find enjoyment or purpose beyond 1 of 27 heroes then you probably should quit, god forbid they ever touch the only hero you can play.


She’s garbage at low tiers and almost a must pick in high tiers. How is that balanced?


ok, so people use tracers pickrate as a defense, guess who’s pickrate is just underneath tracers? mccree overall. in gold they’re about matching, in plat they both increase but are still near the same, and diamond and above, tracer is picked much more than mccree.