If theres ever a Blizzard World set of skins again

That would make me a Reinhard main on the spot. Hands down.

I believe this is the skin you are looking for.


I need it!!!

And one of those little Blizz World cute sprays for Brigitte, please :slight_smile:

Moira Gulā€™dan skin or I riot.

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If that ever came into the game, I think Iā€™d have to become a Reaper main

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Im gonna assume you meant abomination roadhog cuz im trying to picture abomination junkrat and im confusing myself

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yosh i did

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Iā€™m glad they didnā€™t make Reinhardt into Arthas with his frostmorn. That wouldnā€™t do justice to Reinhardtā€™s character persona.

You take that back.

I need Lich King Reinhardt.

Though, pre Frostmornā€¦

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Nah rein should be pre emo phase Arthas all goldylocks. Mei needs to be the lich queen

Mei could work too. I badly want it to be Rein though.

Volā€™jin Junkrat, Sylvanas Widowmaker, and Bling-Tron Zenyatta.

Make it happen, Blizz

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Funny enoughā€¦

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I love all these fan-made skins!

I hope Blizzard does a contest like Riot did where fans submit their skins and the winner gets the skin put in-game for real money and part of the proceeds go to the contest winner.

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A Sally Whitemane skin for Mercy would be nice.

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Ask and ye shall receive


Nah nah nah if anyone gets a Sylvanas skin its gunna be someone i play

i lot of people are suggesting sapper junkrat, but the hots skin is literally a goblin in a robo suit which would be extremely hard to transfer to overwatch. i think whats more likely is either fallen junkrat (also from hots) or a Zekhan( zappy boi) skin since ive seen some people point out the similar facial structures.

El Diablo approacheth!