If the mercy buff isnt a buff

Ok…I think her primary healing should be 70hps and ult 100hps, but her Rez would be gone and she would be a straight up healer. The “huge” problem people complained about was how she was picked a lot dadadada. But I mean look at Ana now… she is picked quite frequently. And yes, this revert is NOT a buff. (:

cant tell if serious or

She was reworked in September. She was nerfed in January. A think a year is a bit of an exaggeration.

The nerf that took her out of the scene as a primary all round healer came recently through the support buffs and series of nerfs too. That is a year.

Mercy mains get a buff , yet they don’t accept it , what kind of mentality is that???


See, it’s not what they wanted. They want what they want, and will complain about it until they get it. I’m not being toxic (not trying to be) but as I’ve been skimming the forums, that is all I’ve seen. There are good Mercy mains out there, I know, but y’all really need to look at the bright side. If I was a dev, and finally decided to buff Mercy, and you guys WEREN’T happy with it, I’d change it right back. Cut them a break, it’s a step in the right direction, and a buff.

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I’m a mercy main and I’m sorry but it bugs me when people say this isn’t a buff. I totally understand the point they’re trying to make but the fact is that it is both a buff and a revert, just cuz it’s a revert doesn’t make it not a buff, mercy’s getting more healing and faster ults so by definition it is a buff and denying that reality to make a point just makes people look a little stupid


The game is so much better than it was before the nerf.

Mercy and Moira have higher win rates than Ana until diamond, and then Ana starts to take over.

They each have their niche. All of the supports are viable.