If Sombra nerf goes through it will simply means PTR is a waste of everyone's time

Just people that like her have no reason to go to the forums.

The worst thing we can do is stay silent. Keep raising hell about these terrible Sombra changes, eventually Blizzard will listen.

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it’s kind of true. why am i playing just to get ignored

Ana absolutely destroyed and despite feedback released to live servers.
Same with Roadhog.
Mercy players collectively rally against the proposed rework, straight up telling devs that Ressurect on E is too strong, and it still goes live.
Sombra is 100% going to hit live servers in her current state despite community outcry.

The PTR is not for feedback on balance, merely to test for bugs. Anything that goes to PTR is going straight to live.

Here are the nerfs:

Speed while invisible is significantly less: +75%—> +50%

Detecting radius increased: 2m —> 4m (much harder to sneak around)

Translocator is killable by the enemy. It only has 5HP. Now your escape method is less safe

Being invisible endlessly does not do much to buff Sombra. You want to limit downtime in the game, you don’t want to sit around invisible and not contributing for your side.

Here you go Improvements to Sombra2.0.

I hate to be that guy and I love Sombra and all but yeah Mercy mains say hi at least your not getting a total rework so the character doesn’t even function the same.

PTR exists to fill us with dread for upcoming changes.

oh man, don’t remind me. I loved my warlock and after a while, blizzard just quit listening and decided to make changes that didn’t make ANY sense. Now that seems to be the case with overwatch. eventually they get to a point where the devs just screw with things because they THINK it might be a good idea, then implement it without taking feedback into consideration.

Actually have to agree here. Remember when they were adding hype by teasing this.

RoadHog got a rework? Unless you mean his Take-A-Breather buff?

I’d like to help! Here’s how they’re nerfing her:

  1. Translocator can now be destroyed by opponents.
  2. Translocator now is heard from 20 meters away (as opposed to 5) (that’s a 400% increase!)
  3. She moves slower in Stealth. (33% slower, to be precise)
  4. Her Stealth detection range is doubled (from 2 meters to 4 meters) (that’s a 100% increase!
  5. Stealth can no longer contest points
  6. Although not a direct Sombra nerf, the 25% increase to how loud combat is - which includes when Sombra comes out of Stealth - affects Sombra greatly.

That’s 6 nerfs total, all MASSIVE nerfs. The three mild buffs she received - infinite Trans, infinite Stealth, Trans can be destroyed through the “Interact” key - are greatly outweighed by these 6 hard nerfs.


at this point if they don’t give a heads up about getting rid of these changes or changing these changes significantly, then why try?

To wake up the rest of the community about Blizzard’s negligence and ineptitude. Even if they don’t care about the Sombra changes, they can see what a stink we’re raising. And if we’re ignored by Blizzard, it’s going to say to those people, “wow, these guys care this much about salvaging this character and Blizzard just ignored them, what’ll happen if they try to rework a character I really like?” Eventually one of the characters they like WILL get ‘reworked’ (it’s how these things work, sadly) poorly, they’ll raise a stink about it, Blizzard will ignore them as they ignored us, and they (much like I’m sure the Sombra changes would lose a number of us) will leave the community and move onto another game.

Clearly someone who has never played Sombra.

Players with 500+ hours on her say its a huge nerf. Streamers say its a huge nerf. TOP500 Sombras are saying its a huge nerf. Pro league players are saying its a huge nerf. But yeah, Tjgalon, who played Sombra once on quick match, knows best!!

Mercy is the highest picked and highest win rate as a support, both before and after the rework. Please do not compare this and Sombra, they’re different on every level possible

Because not enough people are playing to make the feedback feel like solid evidence. Which is why few of balancing issues aren’t taken care of after put to live.

honestly agree. PTR is a waste of time. It takes so long to come to live too

The PTR is more for bug testing than balance testing.

They do balance testing in-house, then bug testing with all of us. Obvious mistakes with cooldowns/damage/etc. get fixed.

So true balance testing doesn’t really occur until it hits live where it becomes a properly integrated part of the game.

It sucks, but oh well… At the very least it brings new metas or new considerations, even if they’re temporary.

I definitely agree with what you said there. I mean look at PTR right now. It is constantly crashing. Can you imagine the chaos if the buggy patch were push to the live server?