If smurfs dominate, why can't you?

I mean, hey, it does the job well enough.

Just, ya know, don’t have one of those fancy showers with “curtains” on all 4 sides.

Just be a smurf bro.

Yes why cant a bronze player dominate a game if a gm smurf is dominating the same game.

Because there’s a better smurf on the other team.

This whole topic to me, again, only matters if you care about SR. And not only will I say Bronze is the best, my most favorite rank for liking the game actually sold rather than the one marketed to me…but I have no problem with smurfs.

If you think you wouldn’t be rolled without smurfs, you’re fooling yourself. With the character imbalance in this game, and the teamwork needed to coordinate things, and the intentional leaving and throwing with no worthwhile system to prevent it…Overwatch games are roll or be rolled. Again, that would be without smurfs.

Last point, smurf posts for or against smurfing are absolutely and totally useless. Show Blizzard how much money they make if they stop smurfing, and then let’s see how that stacks up with smurfing? Tell me how many players drop this game versus smurfing versus accounts that get added? So you’re going to quit Overwatch over smurfing? You say you won’t spend $60 on the next Blizzard game even though you (like I) are a Console scrub? Blizzard says thanks pal, meanwhile, I’m making bank on my guy who bought 6 more accounts and thinks it’ll let him be secret esports master.

Stop taking the game so seriously as to worry about smurfs. Every single other game you play on the internet has a screwed up matchmaking system. I think we all know by now that Blizzard’s matchmaking is not special, and neither is this game. It’s just something to enjoy and not take seriously.

If the statistical sample size was large enough, you would be correct. However, I have fairly strong evidence that there really are very few games in low bronze full of bronze players. If it was just a single smurf per game consistently, then yes, it would be a coin flip on whether that smurf was on my team or on the other team. That would further require that the smurf was playing in a consistent manner, either always trying to win, or always trying to lose.

I actually track all of my competitive games in Basilisk’s Overwatch Performance Tracker, and I have notes for when I notice clear smurf behavior. So far this season, 50% of my matches had people that were so obviously smurfs that I had no doubts. Most of the other matches I have suspicions, but no real proof. Of those games with obvious smurfs, I won 25% of them, and that was because the smurfs were on the other team, and occasionally standing still, trolling, and trying to lose.

I would really like it if current season SR Range was public knowledge, or even last 3 seasons SR range. If we could see that information, the thrower problem would be much more obvious.

The worst trolls / smurfs / throwers are the ones that dominate, spawn camp, and THEN leave the game just as they win to take an SR loss. I don’t even know what the system does with players like that.

Another pair of smurfs were spawn camping, murdering people as an Ana / Mercy duo. Then, they would stand far away from the payload while playing defense to make sure the enemy team got more time, and could progress the cart, but then came back and completely shut us down near the end in order to maximize the time spent in losing. They stretched Route 66 out to a 2-3 loss (for my team, they won) after 13 minutes and 41 seconds. They worked to maximize the griefing time.

I have the thrower LFG problem thoroughly documented in my bug report

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I literally just re-installed and played a few games. My last two featured the same smurf, first on the opposing team, and then on my team in the next subsequent game. One was a very decisive loss (he’d switch to Doomfist, which I would assume was his main, any time we managed to make some headway, and then he’d switch back to Torb right after retaking the objective), and the next was a similarly decisive victory.

Neither game was actually fun.

This is the reality of bronze play more often than not.

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i mean i really don’t even see the point of discussing the matter.

you could be better, but what’s the point unless you are Masters working towards GM and a pro career? Games in every rank in plat and below are all the same. it’s meaningless. smurfs have made it meaningless.

they play in the kiddie pool because they can’t play at their skill level. sometimes you just want to enjoy playing the damn game, not babysitting someone with a false superiority complex.

like honestly lol anyone actually that sick of smurfs is not playing the game anymore.

i hate throwers and by association i also hate smurfs since they must throw games to keep smurfing, but it’s really not even the tip of the iceberg when it comes to all the reasons why you can fall 2 ranks in one day easily but struggle extremely hard to get your 2 promotions back.

but i don’t know dude. it just pisses me off the most because of how realistic of a possibility there is that you will waste the next 20 minutes trying your hardest and coming away with nothing.

they could give up. they could pretend they are giving up. or they could just annihilate your team for the next 6-10 minutes. it’s incredibly damaging to the morale of the playerbase and people who do try really hard to win.

like honestly lol imagine being so bad at something you have to put down everyone worse than you instead of trying to be better than your enemy. that’s the message most people give to players complaining about smurfs but uhh advice that is preached but never practiced is rarely given consideration.


The thing is, you’re the one responsible for the sample size of matches. Obviously things can’t balance out if you hit a rough patch of luck and stop playing because of it.

Like, don’t get me wrong, I get that “pure” games are few and far between in Bronze, and that’s what makes the rank nigh-unplayable for legitimate bronze players. But for those non-pure games, even it really is just 50/50 luck, so you’re just as likely to hit a win streak as you are to hit a loss streak. If you feel like you’re doing nothing but losing, then you’re simply not playing enough (though, again, I can’t blame you).

a gm carrying a group of golds for one game is more plausible than a gold carrying a group of golds against a group of golds.

And now you should really look up what false equivalence is.


You seem to have completely missed the point.

i think what he means is not just be a gold player and that you have to learn of what each decision of yours can do is it going to be helpful or end up in a feed and in this way become better than the average player in that rank and actually hard carry games

take the game slowly think about every action considering how the enemy is positioned that kind of stuff i think

No, i really haven’t. You’re saying people claim smurfs can dominant low elo games… factual of course… but then you’re saying the same people think they deserve a better rank, and should therefor dominate. for one… they clearly aren’t all the same people 100% of the time, that’s a strawman. for two, a gold who could possibly be plat is still not going to carry like a gm playing gold. Still, a false equivalence.

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Obviously not the same people 100% of the time, i’m glad you edited and corrected yourself. This post isnt for EVERYONE, just for those who seem to think “i play like a x+1 player, but my rank is only x because i cant carry 5 bad teammates”, while also thinking smurfs can completely and singlehandedly dominate games. Clearly, these two thoughts contradict eachother.

Obviously they won’t carry as hard as a GM would.

just curious about a situation if a gm widow is smurfing down in our elo is it better to switch to a tank like winston to deal with her yourself or what will be the best course of action? maybe turn 180 to avoid the HS from the widow when jumping her

That’s really tough, and map dependent.

Counter-widowing is not gonna be an option, but running a tank-heavy lineup, hopefully with ball or D.va to contest widow, would be ideal. In a situation like that though, it’s gonna be really tough.

If you put me, a GM doomfist up against a GM widow, in a game full of bronzes, i think the Widow would win, since I’d have to overextend into the enemy team to kill their carry, while the widow could kill my team with low amounts of pressure.

ok thanks for the advice

I found a great solution.

So what I just did after playing two more matches this afternoon (the first with a level 26 Genji that scored something like 85 kills, and the second with a group of four that freely admitted two were smurfs, two were boosting, the best of which was also a smurf Genji that claimed to be 4200)… is I uninstalled.

Problem solved; I’ll be able to sleep soundly knowing I haven’t mentally jerked off some low diamond smurf who just wants to kick sand in people’s faces (because I sure as heck ain’t re-installing until/if Blizzard bans alt accounts).

RIP Overwatch; you had a shorter run than most.

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see ya next week big dog

Honestly, you could be right? If Blizzard announces something managing the alt accounts, I’d love to play again.

But realistically I don’t have the time to climb back to gold, so I gotta face up to the reality that unless something changes with the game or my schedule, I’ll be cannon fodder for the smurfs in the majority of my games.