If reinhardt gets nerfed

Well, if they can make double barrier work without people whining, one way or the other, I would like to see it.

Same with two Off Tanks not being Shatter fodder and all that.

I only “support” Main/Off, because It seems that the developers don’t know how to balance any other way, the way overwatch is currently set up.

But, if we’re being really honest, I don’t think any 2 Tank system can be supported, by this playerbase. In truth, The more I think about it and the more others talk about it, the more I think 132 would be better for this game

There are just enough Support players to make it work, the DPS Qs would go down dramatically and there never was enough tank players to support two of them, for a 222 system

As for what to do with the Off/Non Barrier Tank, we have two options

  1. Rework them to be more Main Tank-like. An example of this, off the top of my head, could be: giving Zarya more bubbles, but each bubble is less effective, overall. So, she can protect more teammates, in general, But it wouldn’t make her OP, in regards to her damage from the bubbles. Or, make Hammond’s adaptive shield an AOE ability for his team mates, but scale back how much shield per enemy is given. Things like that

  2. Rework them into Damage Heroes. Jeff already gave us an example of this, when he talked about them internally trying 132. It was something like giving RoadHog 400 HP, but taking his healing ability away (Don’t quote me on that, as I don’t 100% remember what he said, And don’t have the time to look it up right now, but I do remember the 400 HP part)

So, yeah, there you go. :man_shrugging:


I found the Jeff post:

My apologies, I was slightly wrong. They kept take a breather, but they removed the damage mitigation from it. Plus, I guess there were changes to his gun.

So, that’s one of the ways they could rework Off Tanks, if we go to a 132 set up.

apparently, in this comment, Jeff also mentions that they tried making roadhog more like a main tank. However, he doesn’t give us details on how they went about that version of Hog. But I’m sure that would be interesting to see.