If Overwatch was 2-2-2 forced from the beginning, we wouldn't complain about unbalanced teams without healers/tanks

The game would have been balanced easier from the start, and the people would complain less, for the simple fact they would never face a situation that was without tanks or healers.


If Devs started offering lootboxes for LFG, then we would see a lot less forum posts like this one.

[LFG] 9 wins = 3 Lootboxes, weekly


Sometimes triple tank, triple DPS, triple support are the best option though.


Then everyone would get into LFG, but there would be no pressure to play any differently.


I think the idea that you might be sticking with the same group for a couple matches would change things.

Also, locked roles would be a good chunk of these LFG groups.

Forcing a certain team composition on random people in Competitive Play wouldn’t solve anything. Imagine being forced to play a role you have never played, you’re not good at, or you don’t want to play. There would be even more toxicity and throwing. People would get abusive in the text or voice chat because the role they wanted was picked by someone else, and people would also throw games if they don’t get to play the role they want.

Forcing roles does not force random players to work together. There is nothing you can do to force randoms to work together as a team. The only solution is to play in a group.


The issue is that a lot of LFG groups split up after a loss.

Which is no different than normal games.

But they stick together usually if they win.

That would essentially force players who don’t want to play in groups to play in groups.

You already get +20% extra XP by playing in a group. We don’t need extra loot box rewards for using the LFG system. Let’s keep the LFG system for people who actually want to use it, not just people who want to grind loot boxes (i.e., most of this game’s players).

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Exactly, so what would this even resolve? It sounds like we would be back to square one.

If Overwatch forced 2-2-2 from the begining, many players wouldnt be playing this game lol.

This is about switching and making comps, if you SPECIFICALLY limit that feature, you are shooting your own foot.


Lootboxes have zero incentive for me and I’m sure many others.

Lfg would become an arcade mode, rather than a tool for creating teamwork.

No one like forced roles, Players will always leave if you forced them to play role he don’t want.

Well like I said, the concept that winning teams stick together would be a different dynamic.

And anybody who wants to play with locked roles, could create a locked group, and not have to wait ages for it to fill up, and queue.

Actually, 2-2-2 only became a thing when Season 2 started. Back in Season 1, where there were no hero limits or grouping limits, there was no meta. To this day, I still think Season 1 was one of the most fun seasons.

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With forced roles from the beginning, people would have been forced to flex from the beginning. And it is clear that the game steers you to 2-2-2, but somehow the game’s design is wrong in wanting 2-2-2?
No, all arguments that are against forced roles are arguments for toxic team compositions, with no or 1 healers/tanks, with only frustration.

Or for people that want to have fun?

You mean people who sabotage the team for their own enjoyment?


Are we talking quick play or competitive here? The original post wasn’t clear.

Because if it’s quick play then it’s hardly sabotaging.

Just because some people are selfish goons doesn’t mean we should eliminate one of the hallmarks of this game, which are dynamic hero choices and compositions.

If people really really really want the pinnacle of competition with strict composition enforcements the tools are there. Find like minded people and do it.

Solo queue by it’s very nature lowers that pinnacle or at least, when doing so, one should be aware that experiences may vary greatly. A person not excepting that reality shouldn’t ruin the game for everyone else, just like the selfish player that refuses to flex when applicable.