If every hero was reverted to their most overpowered state

What would the meta be? I think it would be Bunker.

Probably Brig, Mercy, Symettra, Widowmaker, sigma and Zarya

Imagine damaging through moth mercy and release brig armor with the +75 shield health from beta Symettra, 1500hp sig shield and 650 hp Zarya.


Probably would have D.va brig mercy at least. And if not d.va it just be double shield doom lucio mercy for push comps and if bunker brig instead of lucio. D.va is weird, her old DM was really good. But maybe with Sigma existing now, she would have a counter with rock. Possibly sombra, maybe hanzo if double shield not because hanzo was broken but because his ult goes through shields. Oh and I forgot Mei. Honestly brig would probably not be played despite how good she was. Moira mercy probably.

Sym was ever op?

Never played beta but

(Wasn’t it 25?)

It was nerfed from 75 to 50 than 50 to 25 by the time the game launched.
If we want to be really nitpicky it was +100 in the trailers before the beta came out.

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Dang… 400 armor with 200 HP with higher damage and a 4 second defense matrix doesn’t sound bad right now… :eyes:

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The op versions of


Sounds pretty insane on defence.


zarya had 650 hp? 69

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500hp from beta + 75 from Symettra + 75 from brig

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What about 50% Ironclad Bastion? Nanoboost could enable him to heal through a D.Va nuke ffs.


this reminds me of sniper mccree.

man, i miss that gun :frowning:

Probably Orisa Sigma Mei Doomfist Mercy Brigitte.

Tough call being some of the most broken power states where based around the old and much faster ULT charge rate and you could throw them around like candy being you didn’t lose it all if you failed.

like a modern 2020 Genji main on launch Genji ULT charge rate + the 14+ min long blade? I think that beats bunker.

I do think support would be Mercy + Brig. Full team res and a hero so broken on launch it has required something like 20 patches to fix. I don’t know about tanks. Hog 1.0 hook pulled people past space and time. OG Rein in modern play would have shatter every fight or maybe two every fight.

The meta would be Sigma, Brig, Mercy, Genji, Doomfist and an optional tank. No other tank has been even close to trio Sigma, Brig, Mercy. Orisa could be a good fit because of double barriers, but D.va is also another strong option

Damn brig mercy symm dva scientist and doom lol

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Brig mercy bastion junkrat sigma orisa

Literally bunker except instead of df mei we have bastion junkrat.

*The intro to Kickstart My Heart rips across the battlefield as Bastion’s eye narrows…

Sig, orisa, mercy, bap, hanzo, Ashe

Doom was never all that strong

Brig 1.0 PTSD surges back

Brig Lucio zen rein sigma zarya

In 222 brig Lucio orisa sigma reaper doom

Edit: forgot bastions original passive

In 222 bap mercy bastion pharah orisa sigma, goats still beats all