If Brigitte Can't Shield Bash Through Barrier

I am a support main. I almost exclusively play Ana and Zenyatta, I don’t see how thats relevant at all but since you brought it up there you go.

Also I thought Brig was introduced mostly to counter Tracer’s prevelance even outside of dive compositions, where should could just flank and come in and one-clip someone. Brig, after this nerf, would still prevent that.

And she totally can still left-click after this nerf. The change affects shield-bash specifically. Her passive heals would still activate and heal herself and anyone on the same side of a barrier.

And to answer these questions, yes lol. As Seagull said in his newest video, Dive was only a problem riiiiight at the top.

And Zarya bubbles lasts only for 2-seconds, and can be baited out real easy.

LMB doesn’t puncture barrier. We’re talking time here on waste, specially’ when her kit to stop dive and flanks requires the stun to setup the combo.

Seagull did indeed post a video recently which he stated this again and hopefully does get some attention… but I digress… I pointed this out to show an example how Brigitte in general doesn’t get countered as well as she could until higher tier play mindsets. Even then, some people just don’t think of it especially in a solo queue environment.

Brigitte totally can be overbearing if people are all trying to be solo players and not working with a team, heck people said that about Moira for a long time even because they have trouble dueling her in a room with her orb flying around lol.

You don’t bait out an orchestrated move that people communicate and you don’t need any more than a second to do the Reinhardt ult successfully. In the case of stopping a Brigitte stun and not to enable a Rein ult (just to protect barrier from going down) this is reflexes that many players regardless of roles can portray which is what gets them into higher tier of play based on response times.

You seem to fail to understand that in a dynamic where Zarya has to protect Rein from a Brig shield-bash, Brigette is in control the whole time, not Zarya or even Rein himself.

For a single support to have that power over tanks is completely unheard of.

I do fail to understand that because this isn’t true. She isn’t a one man army. The only time this was true was when she just launched and her ultimate was insanity.

I have been in GM in competitive play, I have done Open Division / Scrim games, I have been top 500 in comp FFA (where only 3 Brigittes made top 500 btw) I do not believe in this notion that “Forum Brigitte” exists.

I want to bring up what I said earlier:

Because Brigitte isn’t want made dive become less prevelant, she came in a bit after it fell out of favour. Various nerfs and buffs across the board helped it become less viable.

Well I think this is the end of the argument, because now its just at opinions. Some pros seem to think “Forum Brigitte” exists, some don’t. I do, I don’t know how to settle it at this point.

Tracer got that ridiculous ult nerf which still to this day seems to be 50% what they said it was for which was to counter tanks less and 50% specifically so Brigitte doesn’t get killed as easily from it. This happened right as Brigitte entered nothing happened to Tracer until the arrival of her. I want to say it happened after Brigitte came out even if memory serves me right as they were tweaking Brigitte’s armor amounts from her ultimate.

Tracer most definitely is hard countered by Brigitte. Genji is a soft counter where Genji can and still usually can beat Brigitte once he has his ult or has nanoboost. Doomfist can be controlled to allow the team to focus Doomfist. Dive gets delayed (the tank divers) and can support the second healer to stay alive longer while the team comes to help.

I understand, but least we had a little back and forth of opinions which is fine. None of us are 100% correct in all manners it’ll be based on our own bias and what we have seen and endured in the games we have played. This is why the game is so hard to balance since everything is different for everyone… and if it isn’t then it’s royally bad balance for sure if it’s that glaringly obvious that at all levels of play something is overbearing.

This “forum Brigette” you speak of does exist. You don’t even have to take my word for it. Apparently Team UK has been abusing that shield bash strategy in the World Cup as of late, and it’s enabled them to secure team wipes just with a single Earth Shatter.

Of which if the Zarya didn’t support the Reinhardt / they could have also booped Brigitte. There isn’t one solution to everything, there is multiple. Everyone makes bad decisions it doesn’t matter if it’s top tier or low tier. Look at Team Canada vs China, their shot caller was terrible and they got obliterated almost the entire match up. Their last minute picks let alone starting hero roster at times was very bizarre to fight China.

I’ll give you one thing though. Brigitte is easier to perform than to counter her yes.

Same can be said of Genji…

The Brigette players would stun Reins from a position where no one could see her coming from, like from behind nearby terrain.

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