If Ana Fails...Again

Everything you said was right besides this. There is a lot wrong with Ana and is getting worse because the game is changing. I will admit Mercy is the big factor but as an Ana player myself and a flex support, too much has changed and Ana has been in a weak state for such a long time. Not to mention all the indirect nerfs she’s been taking.


So transform her into the Hanzo of the support class?


I agree with this, but with the caveat that Ana was genuinely bad when Dive was top dog.

But counters to Dive exist, and Brigitte’s synergy with Ana is pretty solid, so realistically most of Ana’s woes come from the fact that not that she (or Lucio) are inherently bad, just that nobody can compete with Mercy and Zen.

Especially in a Sniper meta where high throughput is nullified by OHK’s, which is why we’ve seen Moira’s pick-rate drop like a rock despite her being perfectly suited for a deathball style meta.


It’s not the first time. Junkrat, Hanzo, Widowmaker then they make new characters who do 3 times better than the last. Look at a character like Moira if you read her kit on paper. Look what they did to Mercy and even after all the nerfs.

Ana’s weaknesses not all but mostly sustain needs to be way better and she needs the passive more than ever. Damage values are so much higher now.

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They can both be a problem, and both are.

Mercy is OP, and will remain OP, because yet again they’ve nerfed the wrong thing. I know it’s Rez, you know it’s Rez, Titanium knows it’s Rez, Mercy mains know it’s Rez, most of the forums know it’s Rez, but the Devs don’t. Or rather they do, but they’re ignoring it because it’s a sign the rework failed.

Ana is UP, through a collection of things. Only support with no passive heal, longest cooldown on a self-sustain ability, for only 100hp burst, only support that requires good aim to heal, no mobility, only hero with non-melee, explosive or beam fire that can’t crit. Having 1 of these weaknesses, or even 2 of them, is fair. But to have all 5? That is an inherently flawed design.


That’s exactly my point!!! It’s way too many not to mention the nerfs she’s received plus the indirect nerfs that keep piling up over and over again.

Look at all these indirect nerfs to Ana…

It’s like I have to keep posting this so people can see how bad it really is for Ana and how it continues…

  • 30 damage threshold on dart.
  • Self nano on all modes.
  • Rez is now cancelable by damage; 30 damage threshold.

There, Ana is fixed and the main healer of choice at a high level.


I wish they would lower Ana’s reaload time,and posibbly make her sleep dart a hitscan so it’s more likely to land.And if posibble,but probably not in this universe,give Ana 50 shields.

These sound good and something that should have been here already.

The Ana is back videos are ridiculous. She only really consistently works as a main healer in a tank heavy comp (even at high levels), and Moira has her easily beat there (Moira also beats current Mercy in a comp like that).

Ana will not be back until they are willing to embrace what makes Ana so appealing to many people - the fact that she combines offensive capabilities with healing. Give her 75 damage, and a bit of a lower cooldown on grenade.


Exactly!!! So based off what you said she needs more reverts in her kit than anything because right now she’s coming off too weak. This is why I feel something seriously needs to be done with Ana. Because this buff she got will be nice then people will realize…yeah I’m just going to use Moira.

Your Overwatch is a garbage clickbait channel. Ana is definitely not gonna be back in a major way because of survivability issues.


Oh I know but it still inspires the players who don’t understand much and will believe it and that’s the problem.

I just tilt from seeing titles like that and Your Overwatch has said it multiple times. I remember when Omnic Meta said “Welcome back Grandma” when she first got her damage put to 70.


Tbh the biggest reason she has the possibility of coming back is the Mercy nerf. Regardless of the people that protect her at all cost, she is too good and has been for a while, that’s the main reason Ana has been basically useless. You needed to be REALLY good with Ana to get equal value as a regular Mercy does.

What would be interesting is triple tank (which is being suspected as S12 comp) with Hammond, DVa and Zarya/Hog/Winston. Could be interesting because Ana is really good with Hammond, and this could bring Lucio back as well.

I agree and we all know Mercy is the problem. But like I said in my post if this fails its time to remove some weaknesses.

Because people always said the dive meta is why Ana is bad then the dive meta left and changed to something that favored her and is still not used.

So yeah let’s hope…seriously that Ana can have a chance. Because of tired of the logic behind Ana that’s been constantly failing for her.

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When I saw that he uploaded another “Ana is back” I had to second guess myself about what date it was uploaded because that title has been repeated by other videos months ago.

I mean every time Ana gets a buff I see “BIG ANA BUFF” or a video using her as a thumbnail. I mean like it was hype but the constant failing after awhile I just think to myself…

This isn’t buff…her problems weren’t addressed directly…again…stop with the lies.

What COULD fix her in your mind ?
I don’t really feel she’s underpowered while playing her, but I’m just a Gold Scrub, so what do I know ?

I’m a diamond player who even made a second account to see if I could make it into diamond as Ana and I did. I made masters last season but lost it.

But I made a huge post long ago about Ana’s problems…

Also here’s the link to the an old post I made its a little out dated though…

You can skip to the part where it says the problem with Ana and the solution and reason why for it.

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I agree that Ana needs more in her kit to give her greater survivability. I’ve had a few ideas myself, one that I rather like is a rework to sleep dart, allowing it to be fired as a hitscan shot from scoped mode without breaking scope. If used outside scoped, I think it should work as a sleep grenade, an aoe sleep effect with the same cast time in a radius around her with the sleep duration split between how many heroes it hits. Both of these would require an increased cooldown, but it could really help her to escape when she is being dived by more than one attacker.