If Ana Fails...Again

Mercy nerf does nothing to curve why she’s so powerful

The Lucio buff is to help him compete in a game that mobility crepped the HELL out of his niche

The Moira buff is to compensate for no longer being able to heal through barriers with her primary; the downtime on her healing is almost totally gone

The Brig nerf pretty much nulls her entire reason to exist; In one Shield Bash cooldown Tracer can almost regenerate all 3 of her blinks, that’s 45 metres of distance in the time it takes brig to move 6

The Ana buff is a QoL change to make her ult more in line with the changes to everyone else’s more powerful team support ults; Ana is still the only single target support ult, so it has to be slightly more on edge with what it does

The only changes that matter are the Lucio, Moira, and Brig changes

Going to be seeing way more of Lucio and Moira; they pair super well together especially with Hammond (Thanks Lucio aura increase and Fade)

Mercy and Zen will probably still be the go to though; they didn’t touch Res which is what the issue is

Ana and Brig will still be at the bottom; Their values aren’t really worth it when the others exist beyond their niche

I’m sorry, but WHO is defending Mercy’s current state? The only people dumb enough to support rework Mercy are those who whined about mass Rez. ACTUAL Mercy players despise her current state. We don’t want her to be this stupidly OP monster, we didn’t ask for this rework.

We’re just as frustrated as Ana players, trust me. We want Mercy to be balanced again. Ana had a higher pick rate in GM than Mercy, and it should remain that way. The only way to do that is a revert to 1.0 Mercy, back when she was balanced and situational. Ana, and no other healer, can compete with Mercy while her Rez is on a static cooldown.

But good luck getting Sunk Cost Fallacy Entertainment to to admit their rework remains an embarrassing failure. :/ Ana and Mercy players both didn’t deserve this stupid mess.


Nerfing other hero’s does nothing for Ana’s own viability issues. Ana has extremely high potential but has no reliable way to defend or sustain herself. Thus she becomes a high priority target because she is so easy to kill


Everything you said here I completely agree with. I don’t believe much to change and I’m expecting Ana to fail again. Ana keeps getting QoL while other supports are getting buffs. If Brigitte gets her damage reduced in the future then Tracer will be left unchecked again.

People say she will be good for triple tank dive but I don’t know because the same thing can be good with she also can be destroyed much more easily than ever.

Also why run Lucio/Ana when Lucio/Moira will always be better. Point is there isn’t much room for Ana besides people who like playing her.


It’s simply because Ana is the utility main support

But that Utility is also tied to her being able to live

Mercy used to be the go to for easy heals; but without much utility
Ana was the go to for utility

But not only did they give Mercy one of the most powerful utility tools in the game; they also never compensated Ana for the Lucio re-work being a cover for her lack of self-sustain that hinders her ability to use her utility that she gives up SO much for

Yeah I know I made a post about all the indirect nerfs to Ana as well. It’s way too many!


Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but early indications are that things aren’t getting better any time soon for dear ol’ gran. Even if it’s not the hamster himself, every game I played since he went live, Ana was punished mercilessly. The introduction of a new hero is always a very turbulent time, but Ana’s really copping it right now. As in, she’s on a constant treadmill from the spawn room to when someone on the enemy team sees her. Current status: toast.

Well this isn’t surprising at all. I know Ana is going to fail again. I just said if knowing that its going too lol

Until Ana can shoot through shields she will forever be a lower tier pick imo. The number one thing holding her back is that their are so many shields in the game it renders her entirely ineffective. Her not having any mobility and very little self healing is also an issue that could be addressed.

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I will never under any circumstances give nano to another sniper.

I just hate seeing Ana on my team. I hate it because she is not consistent. There are ways to fix this by making her primary fire more consistent up close. 15% increase in projectile speed and that includes grenade and Sleepdart. She also needs 100 Shields.


One of Ana’s main problems is community perception. People keep on trying to shoehorn her into a Mercy style healer role, a role that focuses mainly on healing and does similar amounts of healing.

That’s not really what Ana players are about. If they were, they’d be happy playing Mercy. Ana players want to heal, do damage, do CC, and do debuffs. The heal is only part of the appeal. I’d like to see a situation where those other aspects of her kit are buffed, and having her makes people happy because she’s going to heal but also make the red team’s life a living hell. In that situation, you’d be happy to see her alongside a Mercy or a Moira.


If Ana had a healing passive she could actually USE her kit to be a solid pick

But more often she needs to burn her kit to save herself from the 12 dives a second


She suffers from dive then the devs want you to play Brigitte or something else.

Then they nerf Brigitte and Moira


I’m sorry but Stylosa and all of these other OW youtubers are grown men. Pretty sure that is ABOVE 20.

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This is exactly my point right here. A passive heal allows her to use her kit.

Sadly not a lot of people understand this. Also they’re used to the healer coming to them. People get mad because they leave your LOS then wonder why they don’t get healed.

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I hope they give Ana a passive heal so you guys can finally realize that’s not what’s holding her back.

I mean sustain is a big factor for her. Also what do you believe that’s holding her back?

It’s her fundamental design. She’s a support sniper that demands good sightlines to properly excel at her support niche, and there are far too few good map points where she can put that to proper use. Contrast her with Mercy, who can fly around anywhere. On any map where you have to contest high ground, both Ana and Moira aren’t good picks because of something as basic as map geography.

The only time Ana was meta was when she was darting multiple tanks 2 meters behind them. She was meta when players bypassed her design philosophy altogether, basically, and played her the complete opposite of a sniper.

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