If 2/2/2 is forced

You say this now, but goats has been much better than CC.
God forbid CC ever comes back. I’d prefer dive over any meta atm.

You’re forgetting the strong possibility that they’ll rebalance every one to fit comfortably in 222 if it becomes enforced

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At my ELO the only time I see any semblance of these compositions, ever, is when I watch OWL. CC is always present in my games. I feel ya there.

222 bunker comp is already the meta. That’s not going to change unless there’s some rebalancing, which I hope there is.

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Dive and bunker in the games current state yes

Best 2-2-2, rein, orisa, torb, bastion, mercy, Lucio. For payload maps at least. Everything else dva, hog, widow, hanzo, zen, Lucio.

Maybe at first but Brig would be early in line for buffs.

Um, i doubt it personally


If no changes happened it would just be orisa hog bunker comps like it currently is.

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They’ve been balancing 2-2-2 for months though. What?

I’m sure they have. /s

Jeff Kaplan has said it during his interviews that they have been working on it for a long time now. You follow the news?

Yes it will most likely be Dive in OWL and pro play, but in ranked Dive will take FAR too much comms and teamwork, so it will most likely be Orisa Hog/D.Va in ranked.

True but you could just swap dva for hamster.

The whole discussion about what Meta will happen if 2-2-2 is enforced is mostly based upon the idea that the current heroes will see no changes.

We know for a fact that a lot of balance changes will happen at same time or before (if even) 2-2-2 is enforced. So saying that “Dive meta” “Stun meta” “Bunker 100%”
Is irrelevant. Instead of focusing on what meta it will be, let’s figure out which heroes will get adjusted and then after we make a normal list of that, try to figure out where the game will go.

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I’ve never seen dive with hamster before.

They would buff her again and the same to Lúcio that was also nerfed cause of goats.

I think putting faith in the dev’s ability to balance, in any scenario, is a mistake. But I’m just going by history.

Well Brig will get buffed if 2/2/2 comes in.

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It would likely be more effective and safer then diving with dva imo.