i’ve been reading the threads too and saw a lot of supports commenting things like “we don’t need nerfs” “why do you want supports to be useless?” “blizz is going to kill the role if they nerf supps”
is not like there are a lot of threads of supports being scared, but there was a real concern expressed by supp mains on some threads made by non support mains
yeah that was after the nerfs arrived, but the concerns were way before when blizz announced their plans on nerfing the role
like this thread
Support Is Not The Problem - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (blizzard.com)
“support nerf” don’t make the game a respawn simulator - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (blizzard.com)
just for example, my goal with this thread wasn’t making fun or asking for more nerfs, it was saying that the nerfs wasn’t the end of the world