Ideas You’d Like To See in Game?

You’d get more crying if you nerfed Mercy or pulled the Roadhog changes from this PTR build.

Oh youre close but not yet. A mercy revert is placed on the ptr but ptr is unplayable due to a bug. The day before it goes live the game ends permanently.

A Reaper buff

Member of the Reaper Ripperoni Pepperoni Movement :pizza::skull:


Mercy getting a new ultimate?
Symmetra 3.0 fixed.
Bastion fixed.
Reaper fixed.
More communication from the developer team.
Weekly balance updates.
Not taking years to fix heroes that have been in a bad spot since launch.
Getting rid of the stigma that skilled heroes should completely outclass less skilled heroes in higher ranks.

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I have a few quality of life ideas that I think would be pretty good all round.

Interactable emotes, sprays that stays even if your draw some more of them, more slots for cosmetics, and some peacefull modes for arcade.

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Oh yeah, a few months back I wanted a D.Va-Lucio emote combo where they took a selfie together. Still think it’d be cool to have even some basic combo emotes. Imagine like a Zarya-Tracer or a Mercy-Pharah high-fiving after wiping your team. The BM potentials are so high! Lol

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The underlying problem with comps like GOATS are not the individual heroes.
The problem is when you can run stuff like 3 tanks 3 healers.

For example - people think brig is a strong hero, but she’s only strong if the opposition doesn’t know how to deal with her or she’s a third healer in a comp.

A fire-based hero that uses alcohol to burn people. I’m thinking Brew-Master from WoW but with more flames.

It also opens itself up to a lot of neat personality traits. What if the hero fell into a deep depression or bipolar state after the omnic crisis, and uses alcohol as a means to cope by both drinking and burning people alive.

Think think think :thinking:

If only we had an architect, someone who could have built things, maybe an off-healer who could construct things from light.

Think. Think. Think.

A new solo Q - role Q only ladder,(it would be a new one,not replacing the normal competitive ladder we have now).

you seemed to leave out caltrops, smoke screens, jump pads, and clones/transforming abilities. At least those are some of what I want.

LFG already does this I don’t want unique comps gone bc people only want 222. I’ve had more fun in games doing non 222 non meta comps and won a lot doing so.

Sure non meta stuff can work in mid-low ranks or if you’re a pro.

But at high ranks playing solo you either play doomfist - doomfist counter - GOATS.

Nothing else.

+LFG only locks the roles of your own team and you’re gonna get rolled by GOATS.

but I’ve seen a lot of streamers play other things even lately.
Heck b4 this meta there were other comps too.
In fact many strategies actually come from playing non meta comps. pirate bastion wasnt meta until a pro team made it famous. same with goats and some other lesser known comps.
if all there is in higher ranks than those 3 limiting 222 would actually make things worse.

I don’t like locking roles so I dont blame others for not wanting to either.

Wanna give some examples of these streamers and some ranks?

As i said pros can make bad stuff work with more effort than it takes to just run meta comps.

Hero ban implementation.

GOATS getting you down? Ban Brigitte and play in Dive again.

Enemy team has a Mercy/Symmetra/Widowmaker/Whatever one trick? Ban them and watch that player suddenly become worthless.


It would be glorious.

If someone on your team leaves the match, an AI will take control of the character and help, so your team doesn’t get completely punished for someone else’s dumb decision.
(This is something that Paladins did.)

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