Ideas for Mercy? reworking the rework

She got buffed recently (or maybe just kind of reverted) so she may land in a decent position for a while, but still, rez definitely is a divisive ability since it was put on a cooldown, we will work under the following assumption.

Resurrection is added as part of Valkyrie, this means when she activates Valkyrie she gains a resurrection charge, it works as it does right now, line of sight, casting time, cancelled by CC or death, everything else is the same.

Now, you people give her a new E ability, right now forget about how often she gets ult, we will assume it would be on the ideal charge time.

To save some time with the one ability I think she shouldn’t get because is kind of “meh” I will mention the “rocket jump” people sometimes suggest.

Ready? Go!

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She should be able to rez someone instantly during valk, that’s all I think

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Make her heal a ray (like Zarya has) so that it would take mechanical skill to play her and a real up of her heal would be justified or stop consider her as a main healer and more like an off/babysitting healer meaning that she is fine right now.

“Remove Damage over time (DOT) or Debuff” in some form.

Since there are more and more “DOTs” due to the Torb-Rework and the addition of Ashe it would be very useful to have something to counter that. Also, Anas anti-heal feels overrepresentated now where she is the “to go” healer. Also there are Widows poison-mine, Meis freeze…
It would take timing and game sense like you have actually to “do something” in a skillfull way
At the moment, we just got Zarya as the “Debuff remover” with her bubble. Why not giving this to a support where italso would fit perfectly?

An idea I thought of a few days ago

You have no idea what you’re talking about. Main problem is that mercy cannot deal damage at the same time she’s healing her ally unlike other healers and she has to swap to blaster which takes at least 2 sec before you start healing again. And that change only force her to get tunnel visioned which makes her absolutely useless. Because she doesn’t have the offensive capabilities other healers have. Her main way to stay alive is observing her surrounding and flee if needed.

If you really make her more skillful to play there are other ways to do that without making her beam straight line. How GA works can be made similar to Tracer’s blinks. Or you can add charge system that zarya has. The more you damage boost the more you heal.

PS Aim is not the only skill.

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Truly a dreadful idea. Worse than 50HPS by a country mile. If that was enforced, every bit of value that Guardian Angel provides disappears, because it would be physically impossible to use it whilst still healing/damage boosting.

I appreciate the hype with many people propose good (and sometimes bad, not concerning this thread) things for Mercy.
But that’s it guys. We/You won’t be listened. It wasn’t either understood the real problem according to the words spoken in Blizzcon.

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Aim + core skill > Core skill.
Moira can’t attack at the same time she is healing too. Making her heal a ray do not prevent to buff her pistol as it also requires mechanical skill.

Return her healing to 60 hps.

Remove valk and give her something else.

Remove rez and give her something else.

Moira can heal whilst damaging though, she has the orbs as well.

True dat, then just make the left clic of the ray a damage ray and the other one a 50/50 heal/boost ray.

OR, make the left click the heal ray, make the right click a quick swap where she uses her pistol (release to go back to the staff), and then make E a toggle between healing or boosting.

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