Idea for Open Queue

Get rid of role queue and add open queue but also when picking your hero the limit for people to pick one role will be limited to 2 (1 for tanks) that way queue will be quicker while also not having 4 dps and a mercy on your team!

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This will lead to players throwing when they don’t get the role they want.

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Or they could add OQ without removing RQ.

Good idea but I dont think theres any need to hard restrict it to 2/2/2 though since alot of other things like
1/3/2 are more fun to most of the playerbase
1/4/1 Can work but is slightly suboptimal.

And anything with 5dps in my experience never gets played in Open queue anyway because its a hard throw.

You just need 1 of each role minimum.

That or you just restrict tanks and leave it the same as regular OQ to prevent goats.