Idea for leavers

Have an optional feature of being asked if you’d like to join a Comp game that’s had a leaver while matchmaking. You won’t gain or lose SR but will gain comp points as a ‘thank you’.

That way if you have a leaver on your team you aren’t 100% destined to lose.


I kinda like this idea. If I were to get an account into bronze and only queue as a fill in I would be able to reverse sweep the enemy without gaining sr and that way I could play bronze whenever I feel like it.

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Could work…


in this case you should be able to select a role to backfill for. I mean, omagine you are a supp main and get put into a team which lacks a dps. That would mean the whole team would need to adapt -> argument -> toxic team.

It wouldn’t matter if you were a support main playing dps or any role really… they would still be better off than missing a player.

I like the idea, but it would only work if say bronze players could only backfill for bronze players and silver for silver and gold for gold etc. Otherwise you’d have gm players backfilling for bronze and so on and so fourth.

I mean the obvious question is, how many of you would accept to join a game on a team that just had a leaver spend 20 minutes maybe more/less trying to help this team and win and all you get for it is a sprinkle of comp points?

Also how would you ‘‘the filler’’ leaving affect you? Would you get punished? Or can you join and leave with no consequence?

Join and leave with no consequence.

I get what you’re saying with regards the reward. Maybe it could be a multiplier if you win? More comp points than a standard game would give you for a win?

The way I’ve been playing of late I’d do anything for a sprinkle of comp points lmao.

There’s an easy solution for leavers in Competitive that’s already in game in other modes - backfill.