I figured out Illari’s utility and how to balance her

Ever since they revealed Illari’s abilities I’ve always been confused about what her utility was. Before Illari, every support other than Moira had a utility/unique status effect they could apply that gave them a niche and a reason to pick them. Mercy has damage-given boost, Lucio has speed, Zenyatta has damage-taken boost, Ana has anti-heal, Brigitte has crowd control and a shield, Baptiste has immortality, Kiriko has cleanse and invulnerability, and Lifeweaver can manipulate the positions of his teammates. The only exception to this before Illari was Moira, but she has auto-aim, high damage, high heals, and an instant escape so she makes up for it. So I thought the reason Illari is weak right now is partially because she doesn’t have utility like other supports do, until I realized she does have utility, it’s just that it isn’t strong enough/she can’t capitalize on the utility enough. That utility? Automated healing with her pylon. Her ability to set up a deployable that can heal her teammates automatically allows her to focus more on damage. If other supports want to heal their team but also deal damage, like Ana, Baptiste, Moira, and Kiriko, they have to press a separate button and look at their teammates in order to heal. Lucio and Brigitte can auto heal but it’s very low and it’s dependent on their positioning. Illari is unique in that she can do a significant amount of healing by having a deployable do it for her while she takes aggressive angles most other supports can’t.

So my suggestion for how to make Illari less weak is to buff her pylon and/or buff her primary fire rate so she can take better advantage of her automated healing and/or buff the range of her secondary fire.