I wonder how many support mains will switch to DPS?

This is so contrary to what can be empirically shown was happening I have to ask what your rank is. Running Pharah into 80 dmg Ana and Soldier was suicide especially when the meta support duo outheals your damage output (Pharah only did 132 DPS, and only if you land all directs) without much effort. She, and Mercy, were D-tier picks through all of Season 3 and 4.

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Mercy? On triple tank? The same Mercy that was F-tier?? Being picked for Pharmecy on triple tank?


So what you are saying is that you are flavor of the month player and are unable to play heroes if they don’t have unfair advantages?

Yea cause you play alotta hitscan vs goats huh


Yes. I do. All the time. My team wanted to run GOATs, they had Lucio, Moira, Brigitte, D.Va, and Rein, and they were like, um… Widow is not part of GOATs? I was all like, “you think I care, baby?”

Given that you are used to running suboptimal things, then, you should have no problem playing whatever into dive.

Widow was a key part of dive before Brig came out anyway so on that angle I still do not see what your point is.

I don’t even play Brig until I’m being steamrolled as Ana by a combo of high mobility characters.

I will just play the high mobility DPS characters myself as Playing support was a chore, and not fun, during the dive meta.

No. There is a really obvious problem that anyone who actually plays this game would understand. People on ladder suck. This is not competitive. Widow is a core part of dive… at a professional level. Pay attention to those games and tell me how much peel the Widow has. Guess how much I have in a standard competitive game where someone is calling me mentally challenged, one of the worst players ever, not landing shots, yada yada yada, if you can think of it, I have heard it. I will tell you right now, virtually zero. I can ask my duo to throw me a Zen orb or something while two dive tanks sneak around back and merc me.

Guess what does not happen in GOATs, a composition whose only mobility is a freaking Lucio? That is right, I get to stay back and wreck face without fear of dropping my soap, fam.

Not me, I always take one for the team.

Makes me glad I decided not to try switching to Support with Brigitte :upside_down_face:

People on the ladder suck but they’re diving you with perfect coordination? You don’t need peel vs. plat dives. Just pick their sloppy engagement apart and cackle at how they’re blindly cargo culting the meta. Not hard. I am an awful Widow and even I was capable of that.

Buff S76’s HEALING!
Quick someone make a thread about it


do people really think dive is going to exist in its original form with all the balance changes in the game? it’s not like brig won’t be counters to flankers after the nerf

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Yes I do, fam. What are you on? They do not need to be coordinated, they just need two of them to jump at me. Like, I am a pretty godlike Widow, but what am I supposed to do with two 500 plus HP targets, invincibility and barriers? Alone, they do not do much and you are correct. Together and with Widow’s hook change, nah.

Sometimes they do not even need the tanks. A Tracer and Genji are usually enough because of recall and deflect. As long as I am not landing perfect headshots on two of the smallest targets as a console plat… Yes, that is going to hard-counter me. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No. Footage or it did not happen. Not even the best Widow can do that. It is LITERALLY impossible.

Apparently they are which is the wildest thing.

If you were consistently catching Tracer with bash then that Tracer is a trashcan and should swap to stop embarrassing themselves. That’s all that really needs to be said on that.

The thing is Tracer is always the best character in this game without Brig been there. It takes a team effort to take her out otherwise she farms.

She never was a major problem in 6 stack dive unless been a smurf, since Tracer is played more as an off-dps in stacked game. However, the ability of her been solo carrying in solo queue is still questionable.

I really want this game to have forced 6 stack in comp, it just makes balancing much easier.

Why not play Ana or Lucio? In my opinion they are the funnest support heroes to play. I myself have an Ana alt, I may not be great at her but still have fun and she is very impactful. They both have ways to survive Dive as well (sleep dart/anti & boop/speed boost)


Winston and D.Va are easy to bait, especially if you’re positioned well and have multiple high grounds to grapple between/jump off of sequentially.

Tracer instadies to a bodyshot/melee (needs to be that close to one clip you) and Genji’s double jump is one of the floatiest and most predictable movement mechanics in the game. If they’re plat they’re not killing you in any unreasonable timeframe anyway.

Again, not hard. Though I suppose it is for some.

I’m switching to zarya this season tbh. She’s a lot more fun since they took some power out of grav and put it in the rest of her kit.

Lucio and Moira are still good. The buffs they’ve had far outweigh any nerfs.

Oh, and Ana is a mustpick, for now…