I wish we had more tank AI

I like using bots in custom games. But it is SUCH a shame we only have Roadhog and Zarya as tanks.

I really would like to see any more. Literally any one of them would give SO much more game variety.
Zen Ana and Lucio are enough for supports. Not ideal but sufficient.

I mean the AI looooovessss to just group up and walk forward so why couldn’t we have had Rein? Or AI for Sigma?

I know we’ll never get a new bot, not now at least. But I’d really like it.


Would be awesome if they made bots for all the heroes, imo.


It would be really cool but I kinda get why that isn’t feasible.
A hero like Wreckingball for example is quite hard to programme to actually function. The amount of scenarios it would have to consider to actually make use of its abilities…etc.

But heroes like Rein and Mercy, I wish we had some simple AI for.
Heck they could even take the Junkenstein Junkrat, Sym and Mercy AI and build on them slightly for 3 more heroes and I’d take that.


They actually do!

Some people edited the RAM (which is against EULA) values for the Heroes controlled by the Bots and it turned out they do work.

Just that they don’t seem to work as well as Blizzard would want them to, resulting in only certain Bots being enabled.


That’s SO SAD.
I wish they’d enable a couple of the higher quality AI so we have a tiny bit more variety :frowning:


It’s weird to me that they made Orisa bot and Symmetra bot and Mercy bots for certain PvE modes, but then just decided not to add them to the only official training mode in the game.

Like they have Sombra hacking and emping, Bastion who moves around to position himself for maximum coverage, and even a Zarya who bubbles so well she’s almost predicting things like pulsebombs and sleeps. It makes no sense to me that they couldn’t program Reinhardt to hold up shield and swing his hammer.


Easiest two to program

We fixed queue times by replacing tank players with bots


The only one that’s an issue is JunkensteinMercy because she only heals-no GA no Boost no Valk and technically no Rez.

But yeah Symm and Orisa? Why not add them. Heck they have Widow too with the Sniper who DOES grapple away and such.

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Maybe players can finally learn to tank properly.

No need for that…woekshop can do it already.

Yes because programming AI for all 32 heroes is accessible to the masses!

Don’t worry about having convenient access to good AI, do it yourself!

Hopefully in OW2, since PvE (AI) is their main focus.

The bots have been quite broken since the Retribution event in 2018 anyway, so would be nice to see them updated. :+1:


I did…I made a practice range with many AI heros such as genji, doomfist, pharah, rein, sigma etc…They do use ablities, and ults. Although its just a training range, where they are forced to stay in a fixed area, its worked fine for practice. The code is 5MAPT(hope the code still works, it was made a very long time ago, and probably can improve greatly with new workshop features) There was another guy made a full roster AI bots that worked in all capture point maps. The sym and other bots even know how to uses TP. Most hero ablities can be programmed for AI in workshop, ball and widow grapple are exceptions.

Shouldn’t be too hard to have Rein. There’s literally a workshop chamber vs. 20 AI Reins waves

That’s basically what’s happening in 3/4 of my games anyways.

Mercy, maybe, but rein would be garbage unless they did a lot for the AI