I Wish They'd Just Use All The Maps

I’ve noticed the missing maps in comp, and i just figured they took some away to rework them.

Started seeing the same maps over and over. Got a bit bored, so i’m like “what’s going on with the maps?”

"Oh, they’re only using a certain map pool each season now"


I just don’t get this at all. You create a ton of maps, then take a lot of them out on purpose? That gets old really really fast!

I love Overwatch, but i’m just… baffled at that choice? Seems really oppressive, shady, weird. What is the purpose? Just to make each season seem interesting? Well, it makes the current season seem MUCH less interesting.

“Oh, we took away the Big Mac, McChicken and Coke just so next month when you come back it feels like something new is at McDonalds.”

Okay, thanks? I guess i’ll just come less this month?

Because people complained about Horizon Lunar & Paris.

So I guess they took out the most played in the pool… I do remember seeing ALOT of Junkertown, Ilios, Horizon Lunar & Paris. So makes sense they took it all out when people complained about the maps all day. Also it probably has to do with OWLeague as well.


I like the map rotation
But I’m going to be so sad when Eichenwalde is out of rotation :sob:

(Also, I bet Kings Row stays in rotation for many seasons)

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Also, I bet Kings Row stays in rotation for many seasons)

Oh yeah, that’s a OWLeague favorite map, staying in forever.

I guess it’s a good, competitive, classic map so I’m ok with it.

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And, a overall favorite according to the poll that had a long while back
(It’s somewhere on these forums)

I miss oasis and a few others but good f’ing riddance to Paris, horizon lunar, and numbani

King’s Row and Eichenwalde should never be out of rotation, and anyone who disagrees is wrong :joy:

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I’m overall fine with a map pool. Allows them to identify which maps have specific problems, and it allows players to learn the maps in the pool better.

Just dreading it when HLC and Paris return to the map pool :disappointed:

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Kings row, eich, Nepal, oasis, lijiang, Hollywood, and watchpoint Gibraltar I could play all day

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I’m personally fine with HLC since the last rework

And I assume Paris was the one of the first taken out so that they could rework it then put it back in comp.

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If people complain about a couple of maps, i’m thinking a little rework would be better than just removing a bunch of maps altogether!

Oasis is one of my favorites, and we just don’t get to play it for two months? Why?

Seems like a desperate attempt to keep people looking forward to something.

Except, after 4 years of getting to play EVERY MAP… to just take a bunch away feels wrong, imo.

Maybe they haven’t revealed their full plan, who knows. If they maps return with some changes, that might be cool.

Also, i can’t help but wonder if it makes the queues longer. If they have anything in place to keep a player from getting the same map twice in a row, then removing maps will have to make the queue a bit longer. And that’s the last thing we need right now.

To me, they’re trying way too hard to make this some serious business. To me, the game was much more fun with instant queues, all the maps, and no role queue. We’re not going pro here in the ladder.

I think the playerbase dropping off speaks for itself. OW WAS the ultimate pick up and play, or “just one more” kinda game.

Wah waa wah
Get over it, it is far from the end of the world.

I know that. But i would also like Blizz to know that taking away maps is MUCH less fun. And i don’t see any reason to do it, other than to artificially make it seem like something is different each season. The game’s been out 4 years, and suddenly they say “can’t play all the maps!”

Well, i think that comes off very petty, jerky, and i can see why players are leaving this game in droves.

I don’t lose sleep over it, though Blizzard should.