I wish Mercy was underpowered in unskilled hands

There was a time when Mercy was considered a troll-pick; sometime before the invulnerability during her rez. Back then people were initially skeptical when they saw my pick at the hero select screen, but they were quickly turned around and impressed when they saw my skill and effectiveness with her. I wish we could go back to those times when being really skilled with Mercy made your team respect you as their healer…

Overpowered and must-pick Mercy has killed the joy of playing Mercy along with the unengaging play and lower skill-ceiling that she now has… I hate statue-mode (rez) and spectator-mode (valkyrie)

Keep Mercy’s low skill-floor but raise her skill-ceiling. Keep her mobility (guardian angel and bunny-hop) and beams but rework the rest of her kit to make her fun to play again.


37 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018