I was ranked way higher than I deserve in open queue seasons 1 and 2

So ever since the new ‘competitive open queue’ became a thing, I’ve noticed it places me way higher than what my normal SR is.

When I started playing the game about four years ago (dang, four years…) I was ranked gold. As I’ve learned the complexities of the game and specialized in certain heroes, I’ve been able to climb to low diamond pretty consistently now. That’s honestly where I think my skill level is at.

Once I tried out the placement games in open queue, I could instantly feel a higher level of intensity in the gameplay. The term ‘sweaty’ is how I would describe it best. Lo and behold, I was placed in high masters. At first I was like “Sweet! I guess I’m better than I thought” but pretty quickly I realized how wrong the placement was. I was in a way higher elo than I should’ve been, and that honestly just sucks, for everyone.

I haven’t tried any placements for season 3 yet. I don’t enjoy the stress and the pressure to perform at a high level when I clearly don’t belong there.

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Pretty common experience from what I’ve seen, the mode is a mess.


Yea pretty much everyone is getting an SR boost over there.


LOL its chaos and there’s no SR right now. It will take months to sort out if it stays.


Unlucky. I had people quit three of my games and lost 4 due to normal reasons so I got the other end of the stick where I got placed mid gold when I’m normally a diamond to masters player

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“YOu ArE At DA RaNK YOu BeLOnG” right?


Play more games and you will be placed in your correct rank.

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Weird I was in platinum at the time I placed in silver in open queue. I was trying to learn how to play Widowmaker and Doomfist, so I thought a fresh start using open queue would be a good and fair idea.

Imo it’s because it is effectively an Mmr reset

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That’s it - they don’t seem to be basing it off of your existing MMR/SR.

It’ll be a while before OQ stabilizes and there’s enough data from each player to place everyone properly.

I placed 300 SR above my career high in OQ season one, then placed 100 SR higher than that in season 2, hitting Masters. I think it will take a while to balance out where we belong

See, if this is really the case, as in Open Queue [or as i had always called it, Classic Competitive (Mode)] having a MMR reset; then all the SR / MMR pundits / theorists who had been asking for a reset so that they can be at their “true rank” should be rejoicing and making a bee line to OQ, aye?

P.S. i am just thinking out loud and not addressing any one in particular.

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Wut. My friend won 8 placement games but still got placed in gold. The same rank as season 2 of open queue.

I also got gold in open queue. And i am a gold player in role queue.

Weird, I got placed lower.

Yeah first placements are extremely inaccurate.

I got placed in plat despite being GM in role queue

I would imagine they adjusted it to account for its random and chaotic nature.

Ranks are inflated in OQ due to lower population.

Well when you play loads of games… yes.

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Yea, but i dont want to feed in 50 games straight until i drop where i belong.