I was on a 6 game win streak but then it happened!


Oh, right, the Scott Mercer post where he says “seeing it trend toward 50/50 is good” then everyone conveniently stops reading. Let’s rehash THAT fight again. He literally says that it’s not forcing that win percentage. I made a post showing that my personal win percentage (don’t make me dig up THAT post too) for over 1500 hours of gameplay was around W47/L51/D2 and I still increased in SR during that period. I’m still increasing in SR to this very day.

The matchmaker also has a chance of putting you in a game where you only have a 20% chance of winning just to create matches according to Scott Mercer as well. Where’s your drive to fight that assertion?

[Edit:] Patent illustrations are not meant to be taken literally.


i knew u wud post this.
which means u didn’t read the patents hahahahah
this is a pr rep trying to damage control saying this 1 particular patent isn’t in CoD.
this is talking about microtransacts.

so pls try again.

does the matchmaker use voice chat data? jeff kaplan says nope.

pls. read the articles and read the patents b4 u waste all of our time.

we’re talking about stuff like mmr and dda rigging.

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And you’re just telling me my evidence is a joke without giving any yourself, except vague statements to the contrary. Want to get my attention and show that you’re not receipts, hulk, or cuthbert? Give me links to YOUR side of the argument instead of telling me how nonsensical my arguments are.

Note: I won’t be looking at anything posted by those I mentioned.

If you’re unable to back anything up with trustworthy sources just say so. I’ll put you on my ignore list along with them.


that’s not how the rigging works.
please re-read the patents.

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Please cite your sources.


the same as yours and then some.
except not taken out of context.
people with more technical knowledge than u
have already addressed it:

meanwhile they have 8 patents and dev commentaries.
out for supper i will edit when i get back to include them.

trying to put players on teams that evens their chances of wining,
and using any device or mechanism to precalc those chances
is invasive and oppressive. it’s rigging the odds 101 and it’s anti-competitive.
u can have fairness with SR alone so why not SR alone.

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As for patents Jeff never denied. As for which ones and how closely they’re in use, we’ll never know.

To deny them is living in bliss to solely allow the algo’s to dictate your enjoyment that’s not good either.

To allow this conversation to continue without official word I think is the worse of all. It’s either indifference from the devs which is disheartening. Or the devs or just laughing at the convo - which is also messed up.

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Show me those “and then some”.

You’re inferring malice in statements where there is none and say that I’m the one taking them out of context. Okay, sure.

Please introduce me.

People aren’t robots they will not perform exactly the same all the time. Quitting on a high note increases your chances of losing when you come back the next day. You’re also not going to play the same if you’re sleepy, drank coffee, or any number of factors. Your skill as compared with other people playing isn’t always going to be the same. Even from game to game you’re not going to play exactly the same.

Some degree of randomness is to be expected and you’re calling it “rigged”.

If the next thing you post in defense of your stance doesn’t include sources then our conversation will be over.


Arranging matches outside of skill ( yes it varies) is considered a little dirty. It’s like casinos having random coin noises or smells in the air to keep you complacency. If they made a real match maker the casuals would drop so fast it wouldn’t be fun.

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But you do understand that if the system was a 50/50 system that means that statistically you would get as many wins as you do losses and you would not rank up or down theoretically. That is what a 50/50 win chance means in the long run. So it cannot be as strictly 50/50.


Your rights loot boxes and skin do help ensure player grinds. However that’s not by no means the only system. Why does a player play competitive? To rank up. If a player potentially reaches his peak quickly, one might say what’s the points to keep playing? However if one feels that they deserve a higher rank they will keep playing trying to achieve it. So if you slow down the process, you potentially keep the person chasing his deserved ranked longer.

I’m not sure whether there is malice within the matchmaker, but i am sure you can still derank with a positive win ratio. Thats ludacris by any competition standard.

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Yeah, I understand that. I’m saying that once you get to an appropriate rank with people you have a decent chance of winning against you’ll start to ping-pong until you improve enough to overcome that skill curve. I’ve went back and forth in low ranks a great number of times but once I understood the things holding me back I was able to advance - and quite quickly at that.

You do have a point, the dopamine of getting a higher number is a bonus on top of actually winning. While I can’t attest to everyone’s motivations I’m sure that someone out there plays solely for bigger numbers. I just have my doubts about that actually being the reason they log in every day.

While improbable it can happen. I remember a post of someone complaining about this a while back but in the long run it’s mostly just PBSR doing its thing. Once you pass into Diamond it doesn’t matter, since SR is always ±25. People who have high winrates but stay low ranked is an interesting quark and more than likely indicates poor performance but good luck, overall.

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You do yourself no favors by referencing the ranking system in HotS. The developers there had to make Bronze 5 into its own sub-Bronze tier because of all the griefers and smurfs.

you still don’t understand how the rigging works.
they attempt to cherry pick so that the match has 50-50 outcome.
sr isn’t part of that equation, even tho it’s the only thing that should matter.

Forum Moderator Note: Unconstructive remark removed.

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If only you could hear my stories

Facts are facts no matter how you personally feel about them.

Forum Moderator Note: Unconstructive remark removed.


i don’t see any statements that prove it’s not rigged.

exactly. the patents are a fact.

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Because at the end of the day yes they are the issue. Yes it is true that your fates in the hands of 11 individuals, but if your good enough you can make a significant impact, or not


Just as you’re entitled to write your whiny nonsense about teammates, I’m allowed to make comments about why I think a system I’ve seen success in is quite balanced.

Win/win ig….


It happens to me constantly with brig whether seems no matter what what percentage I get it always gives me an average of 22 per win & 25 per loss, even with a 60% win ratio over 100 game, you figured that it would stop rating me below average but no lol. I have a theory that it’s because I use CC primarily to get value with brig and with CC it’s hard to determine the value using AI code and CC does not to the average stats.