"I want to practice" in qp

I was going to practice aim in deathmatch with zen, i meet other guy who play him and he start telling me to get off zen because practice and i cant play the same heroe because he said so…
So where i can practice now?

Qp is designed with nearly the exact same ruleset as comp, that’s the catch.

Same team sizes. Same time to capture the objective. Same rate of capture/capture decay. The only difference is that comp makes you play both attack and defense before declaring a winner.

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I get you, bruv. But there’s a lot of casual players (myself included) who enjoy playing for fun. I go ahead into comp prepared to give it all I’ve got and into quick play to have fun. That doesn’t mean I don’t try.

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I think the attackers have more time in QP than they do in comp iirc.

-Not allowed to practice in comp since it’s a serious mode.

-Not allowed to practice in QP since people that don’t play comp want to try hard in QP and have a comp experience.

-Not allowed to practice in Arcade since people want to get loot boxes.

What am I supposed to do exactly?

I just wish we could afford play qp more casually and still not be throwing.

You’ve got to have a halfway decent team comp, even in quick play… which which means that a lot of people don’t get to play the hero they want. Getting steamrolled is no fun.

It’s none of your business what I, or anyone else does in QP. I don’t owe you anything. I can play my main, or I can muck around and have fun with Torb if I want to. That’s the beauty of QP.

If you want proper comps and communication, go to comp. Don’t try to make QP in to a softer version of comp and whine at people who don’t switch or do what YOU think is best.

Do your own thing and let others do what they want in QP. That’s the beauty of it. The freedom to just practice and experiment in PEACE.

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I get you, but you must understand that people play what they want for fun. I don’t want Overwatch to become ‘TryHardWatch’ even in quick play.

I personally don’t enjoy AI matches for learning a new hero. I’ll roll into Training Mode to learn a heroes cooldowns/kit first before moving to Total Mayhem to get a better feel for them.

QP forces me to think on my feet with the new character I’m playing. It makes me adapt to the enemy team and it’s nothing like going up against another real, human player & their reactions.

(On my old PSN account) I’d wait until I have at least 20 hours or so before running matches in QP. Once I can hold my own in QP then I’ll run competitive.

QP is practice, in my opinion. Jumping into competitive when I don’t feel competent in a hero isn’t going to benefit myself or my team.

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The only problem with that is that “doing your own thing” makes the match end much quicker than people would like.

We need a mode where you can muck around without it being incredibly punishing.

Playing a hero they want to get better at VS real people. I feel your pain, when you just wanna play a chill game of OW with friends or something, but really, if you want people that are(usually) going to be playing for the W stick to Comp, or try out one of the arcade modes.

In my recent experience QP is 50% casual players, 40% people playing characters they aren’t good at/don’t know at all and 10%.

Yes but that’s the beauty of QP, there is NO punishment. You lose, so what? It’s about LEARNING and improving with heroes you’re not great with, all while people like OP are asking you to switch and gitgeiud.

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Like do you think I would ever play Widow in comp? Of course not! Not even if people begged me to. She’s not one of my mains.

But do I enjoy playing her in QP and trying to become a better sniper slowly slowly? Of course. Now imagine while I’m trying to improve with her in a non competitive environment, someone keeps asking me to switch and pick someone I’m better with.

It’s just so illogical and then they get mad when people say “it’s just qp” and run away with the idea that somehow we don’t care. The truth is, we do care, that’s why we’re in QP practicing with bad heroes so we become better for comp. It’s the people that moan at us during that process that just don’t get it.


I generally don’t even look at the team comp in QP. I do my time in comp as a main tank main so I’m playing honzo d@mn it!! lol

only time I go try hard is if someone tbags or gets toxic on the other team.

I don’t generally care who plays what in QP as long as one of the 3 snipers on my team dont start crying that the team need a healer or tank

For some obscure and strange reason, people still think they’re “practising” on their heroes in QP. Fault is, everyone thinks that, and the team composition is horrible. Meaning that when you think yourself a Tracer God in QP, your divinity stands more from idiotic team composition and lack of countering, than your überness.

So you’re not practising anything. The only way to actually practise new heroes and become better at them in QP, is to play as if it was a competitive environment, with proper counters and flexing. It’s like playing football by just faffing around, then think you’re ready for Champion’s league just because you feel good at that environment.

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Nothing is black or white, QP is for practicing sure … but not for practicing your mechanical skills with “live bots”, thats not how it works.
No one works for you, you dont have a VIP version of the game where the rest of the team have to cater your preferences. Our winston may be practicing dives with our dva and our healers may be practicing focused healing and positioning. If you are practicing mechanical skills only and getting destroyed 24/7, thats not practicing, its bashing your head against a wall.


Thats where you practice your mechanical skills. For everything else, yes, QP.

The problem with comp now is people play it exactly like qp.

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This should only be a pursuit when you’re not bad against less lopsided match ups. It’s like a novice coder trying to build their own AAA RPG. They should probably start with something a bit simpler like a side scrolling pixel art game or even a mobile app.

I think that the key part was when OP said “massacred”. Sure it’s good to wrestle with your counters to learn how to play against them, but when you are being steamrolled you learn absolutely nothing. You don’t get any experience towards a competitive environment when your team has a poor composition and is constantly out of place due to being steamrolled and on top of that you can barely practise mechanical skills if you’re constantly being harassed by your opponents. I play Pharah a lot against Widowmakers because it’s good practise, but when that Widow headshots me out of the blue for the third time in a row I’ll switch to D.va (or fill the DPS slot with something else) and start practising her. Playing into some counters is simply jeopardizing gameplay for your whole team by putting them at a huge disadvantage and is not worth doing even with practise in mind.

I must say, I’m becoming part of the problem.

I limit who I play in QP because I wanted to get as many heros up to 13 hours as I could… (check my stats).

Now I’m considering choosing just like I would in comp so I keep getting experience of filling in roles and countering in QP.