I want to be Bronze again

I’m not good enough for my rank. I wish the matchmaker was better. :frowning:


Everyone wants to be bronze. Except people who have no choice but play in bronze. So weird…


I’m not a smurf :frowning:


They’re not a smurf, they are Silver and they probably recently climbed, and the games might be worse in silver than they are in their previous ranks because everyone plays really weird in silver


No, it’s probably because the game are slightly harder and they don’t carry as much as they did in bronze.

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My profile is open. You can look at it if you want :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, I did see when you said you weren’t a smurf^^
Well play, getting out of bronze. You’ll get used to better games.


I’m content NEVER playing in Bronze EVER again. :slight_smile:


:smirk: Slightly. :sweat_smile:

There really isn’t much difference between high bronze and low gold.

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Exactly why improving fundamentals will carry you through these ranks

so just drop lol???

Play Zarya instead of DVA.
Pick your character straight away.
Go AFK until after the first push.
Tell your team you we’re taking a crap or having a smoke.
See you in bronze.


lol twenty characters

There is a difference and it’s mostly use of terrain and positioning in general.

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careful…dont tell people the secret to climbing…

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Not really and I have been in Bronze and Silver and Gold. The only difference being in Bronze people hit 1 out of like 4 shots, in Gold 2 out of 4.

Same things you see in Bronze are still present in Silver. It changes a bit in Plat for the better.


That and playing a massive amount of games (unless you’re buying an alt).

While mechanical skill is a factor it’s not really the prime reason for movement in Silver, from my experience. Aim was more of a factor in Bronze.

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You don’t want to be in bronze. It’s a crap hole.

You’re totally at the mercy of if your dps feel like playing or not. They want to win, they pick Torb or Junkrat.

They feel like throwing? They’ll play Genji into Sym and Mei then complain about lack of heals.

Or play Widow “just to practice their aim”.

At the moment it’s 40% unwinnable matches (1 or more soft or hard throwers), 40% where I could be afk and win (enemy has similar issues) and only 20% where my play really matters.
One game I go 5-6 kd (5 kills is silver), then next I go 26-2 as we win 3-0 with a spawn camp.
Even had one game went 40-1 kd as I was with a gold 4 stack that had deranked, but were now trying to win.

And with 4 minute plus tank queue times it’s starting to feel like a waste of my time tbh.

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