I thought I was trust lvl 0 because of my silences

trust level? what is that?

people with higher trust level can post pictures links etc.

How do you see what trust level you are



never been muted or anything in-game or via the forums and I’m only level 1. sad.

Well you’ve only been here four days so it takes a little bit to climb.
Don’t worry you’ll get there though when you meet the requirements mentioned Here

Thanks. I just realised I’ve been using the forums on a different account most of the time lmao, my bad.

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No worries mate, you’re good

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I dont think I can reach trust level 3

Nah, the highest is 4 and that’s only for the devs
Edit: oh you corrected it from 5 lmao

lol yeah but I think I got suspended and silenced more than 5 times. Or is it suspended from the game

Yea i have had many (unfair) suspensions ok not to many and i’m prett sure that means i’ll never reach trust lvl three

In game suspensions don’t affect forum stats.

then I think I got suspended in forums

with my last silence i didn’t even get message from support. And after 2 tickes i still don’t know reason, only date when it will expire

I’ve been suspended for “obscene language” before by using *** to censor a word.
It’s an interesting system they have in place.

I been suspended here too, and I made it.
It just might take a little longer depending on how many times you’ve been silenced

Whats an OP? are you calling someone overpowered?

OP= Original Poster.

oh ok that makes ssense

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