I think the Mercy nerf will work as intended

A rez is still a rez. Her viability will not go down because there is no other support that offers anything close to the power creep of bringing a dead teammate back to life.


Because no matter how many nerfs you do to rez.

Rez > No Rez

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Idk man mass rez didn’t really do much for mercy back before mass rez got the invuln buff.

as I remember ana and lucio were meta at the time before that buff.

rez on e is just problematic and seemingly cant be balanced properly.

mass rez only needed some minor tweaking to better balanced as invuln was an overbuff.

the rework was like the invuln buff but 100x more op in all of its states.

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Well here’s how things were after the first half of the Ana nerfs.

That nerf will do literally nothing.
It’s just the next chapter in the book “We ignore the real issue, because we are stubborn and don’t want to admit that the revert was a total failure.”
Valkyrie is the fundamental issue, E res makes it just worse.

E res>No res. Just want to fix that.


Well, what would be your thoughts about removing rez from E, and putting Instant-Single-Rez on Q, only during Valkyrie?

On a barely related note, Moira buff is really zoggin’ sweet. Gonna be much more reliable in solo-healing.

To strong and Valkyrie wouldn’t be Valkyrie, but Resurrect at this point.
But if you want a more in depth answer:

Also, it would be useful if you would share the date of the stats as well or even better. Link to Omnicmeta directly. More information is always better.

Wouldn’t it just be Valkyrie with Resurrect added to it?

Valkyrie would only be used for the instant res. That’s the problem.
You just get a boring Res Ult with that change.

Perhaps, but it free’s up the E button, if they want to do anything with that.

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I’d rather they just put it in Valk and come up with a new ability :man_shrugging:

This nerf “should” make teams run less solo healers and use more healers to make up for the decrease in her healing.

However, I see it as Mercy will now be picked just to have rez. Whereas I would have preferred her to be picked for solid healing, instead.

And that E would give her again some other utility which removes even more weaknesses from her.
Valkyrie as an Ult is a dead end. You can’t buff it to make it more fun, because it would be unbalanced. You can’t nerf it because it would be just pointless. And E res can’t be fixed at all.
E res (not res in general) and Valkyrie have no place in Mercy’s kit. There is no way to change them properly.

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I think people are underestimating the nerf.

Yeah, at Master/Grand Master/OWL she’ll probably still be better much of the time because picks matter massively and can occur frequently without also being able to prevent a res thanks to teamwork.

But, at lower skill levels where 90% of the population is I think res has a lower value. It’s potentially harder to get off as your team doesn’t help as much and can die in worse spots. You can also win more/not lose often when down players due to enemy mistakes or inaction.

Mercy’s heal rate is at the point where she literally has 50% to 66% less burst healing than the other “main healer” supports without even considering their additional abilities. Unless 50/s is some magical sweet spot or the burst healing rate doesn’t matter that much it’s going to hurt seriously in at least some compositions.

The reduced healing rate also slows down the rate she builds Valk which in turn cuts down her overall healing. This in turn will open up competition from the healers that don’t toss as reliable of healing or as much burst healing. Brig’s Armor + Healing can nearly equal or exceed Mercy’s healing. Brig’s also got a better burst heal than Mercy albiet on a cooldown. Lucio can easily outheal Mercy’s overall numbers. Zen’s a bit shy but he’s tossing out far more damage than Mercy and he’s also discording.

The problem with the approach is you’ve turned your pure healer into a movement character that’s got a resurrect that robs them of their movement that also happens to be able to heal and damage boost.

My guess is we’ll see Mercy take a damage boost hit down to around 20% after this and then be done with Mercy changes. Res’s value isn’t infinite. Taking a bit of a hit in power to be able to restore another character is viable only up to a point.


the 17% healing nerf won’t reduce your overall healing by 17% exactly.

Your genji has 50 health. You heal him to full. You are still healing 150 health, even though it’s slower on the PTR.

Yes your team will die more because you can’t keep them up, but I wouldn’t say that Mercy will do 17% less.


It hits moments where it goes both ways.

Some of the time you’ve got down time and it isn’t going to matter if it takes a second longer to get the last little bit for the Genji other times, the Genji will die and things can snowball. If everyone else but me is dead or if I’m dead nobody is getting healing from me.

Last night on the PTR I had a game where for much of the first section we were winning but only barely. The other team applied enough pressure that my team was damaging just slightly beyond what I and the Ana could heal causing players to die. The other team applied enough pressure that I couldn’t get many reses off. When we finally had enough players fall including myself a bit after the five minute mark the team collapsed and never managed to get it back together.

My healing numbers were fine for PTR QP until things fell apart:

but, once they fell apart the rate of healing really dropped and I did not take another screenshot because it wasn’t pretty.

Damn, a well thought-out post with understanding of how the character actually works. I’m impressed.

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The reason it doesn’t make a difference is because of all the burst damage we have, and have always had. That is how the meta has always been, because burst healing cannot sustain against burst damage long enough. Before Mercy, we had Lucio and zen, not because they did tons of healing, but because they provided the tools to get in quick and burst down the enemy.

You know what sustains against burst damage now? Res.

There’s difference between burst damage and one-shot though. One-shots, indeed, can not be countered by healing. Burst, however, as long as it’s not instantly lethal, is still reduced by healing incoming, forcing enemy to pump in more damage. + it leaves possibility for tank intervention.