I think Symmetra is close to being perfect, from a GM Symm-main

I’ve done so many posts about symm being bad and i regret it so much. because if your team plays around symm, she’s unstoppable. Symmetra’s BIGGEST issue is her TEAM.

Btw no, Symmetra doesn’t need 250 hp. 1.Her hitbox is way to small and she’s not supposed to play upclose. 2. She’s an utility character not Reaper. Her leftclick is like mei’s, (situational) and her orbs are her primary. Stevo (the best Symmetra) also agrees with this.

My only requests for the Overwatch Developer Team is to fix Symmetra’s Teleporter and Photon Barrier bugs and slighly make the teleporter radius bigger so you can teleport out of a grav. Lowered ult cost would also be appreciated by 5 or 10% maybe? :smiley:


Im glad shes been starting to see some play in OWL. Hopefully once goats dies down we see even more of her.


I agree with all of this apart from the secondary being her primary.

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Ok honestly when they lowered her charge time from 2 to 1.3 it made it less situational.

It’ll be interesting to see if Sym and Torb’s pickrates ever move up much what the consensus ends up being on them.

Is the design actually good now or did they both just get buffed to be overpowered and overpowered is fun?

Most of the ranks have Sym and Torb at the top on PC and I’d question if the results are from being overpowered rather than being used well.

It should just be a flat 1 second and none of this 20 per cent rubbish.

I saw a level 1500 Sym singlehandedly decimating our team in QP.

Shes fine

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Teleporter needs to stay indefinitely until a new one is made.

Btw no, Symmetra doesn’t need 250 hp. 1.Her hitbox is way to small and she’s not supposed to play upclose.

Exactly! Respect for acknowledging that, her tiny hitbox is large part of her survivability.


Naw. But I continue to suggest that the timer doesn’t start until after first use. This would make it easier to coordinate teams through, without overpowering it in any other way.

There’s another cheeky use for this, you could pre-plan a ‘bouncing bastion’ strat.

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The truth finally comes out about Symmetra on the forums. I’m proud

I’m in love

We said that about Sombra too, but she only gets nerfed and no viable rework, and buffed 3 times in a row like some F Tier characters we know.

As a Reaper main (Sombra second), I love it when there is a good Symmetra in our team. Her defensive DPS role complements my aggressive DPS role just fine, and I find her TP very, very useful.

Differently from Tobjorn who in 90% of the cases I see as a Defense-pick only, Sym seems to work fine in all situations.

Symmetra will be fine when her primary will be a good primary instead of secondary.

Agreed. I think all she needs is the increased TP radius to better counter grav like they had envisioned. She’s a utility glass cannon and she shouldn’t be beefy or have a lot of survivability. This is why she struggles with dive comps since she will be left completely defenseless.

Rein/Orisa make her life so much easier and that is how comps should work in this game. Synergy with particular heroes.

Teams that refuse to work with Sym are only hurting themselves. People always want the Sym to swap smh…

The new symmetra is bad. Idk what you are even talking about.

i had like 70% winrate with the old one.

And that is why her rework is trash. Let me explain before you come at me. I do better with 3.0 than I ever did with 2.0 but her team HAS to work with her. Alone she is nothing.

Today on eichenwalde attack I took all 3 ticks all by myself. How? I would TP to the point the rest would just stand there under the bridge eating junkrat spam till reins shield broke. before they turned around to deal with me I would get at tick. I am not even kidding, I did this 3 times to capture eichenwalde first point and then I just swapped to soldier. I kept begging in chat to use the TP and not stand under the bridge but noone did.

Today again I am on Paris attack. The BEST map for syms tp. You go to the right side, you place a TP and tp to the left at the side of the stairs and head to the point and the enemy can’t even see you doing this most of the time.

NO the entire match my team wanted to use rein Zarya to head to the right room and be stuck in that small choke against bastion Orisa baptiste + Pharmercy and McCree. They flat out refused to follow me. This isn’t good, she shouldn’t be helpless on her own. Her new kit is centered around the TP which is useless unless your team listens to you.

And if the entire team coordinates around the bastion he becomes unstoppable, that doesn’t make him good, that makes him extremely niche.

Everyone has their own playstyle doesn’t mean people using primary as a primary are wrong.

Is this a joke?