I submit proof that ELO hell can exist under a very specific set of circumstances. I am the most egregious gold smurf in the history of your game. And it was completely unintentional

Moira who flanks against a Sym and dies only to have the Mercy try and revive her and she also diesl, and at the same time when our tank decides he is going to push because the DPS (me) is getting picks…YES…that healer is in fact useless to us when she isn’t healing and dies because of a reckless decision and also gets someone ELSE killed in the process which feeds the enemy ult. .

And YES they were asked to switch to DPS and let someone else heal. They ignored the request and left VC.

There was no reason for her to make that flank. I know how to play Moira. Your right click is ONLY for resource gain when it is low and you use heal orbs in combo and help deal some damage to a diving genji or Tracer to make them retreat.

A Moira who constantly throws damage orbs into KOTH team fights ON POINT is not helping anyone. if they want to DPS then they need to let someone else fill a heal role.

This is why ROLE QUEUE would be great because people can DPS if they want to DPS. The ADDED benefit is that people will be expected to do their duty as what ever DPS they choose. A role queue would be greatly beneficial because it would allow for flexibility as well as letting players play what they want.

You didn’t respond nor acknowledge anything that I took the time to write, other than rewriting what you wrote hours ago. Thanks.

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Stop making assumptions about the Moiras motives and focus on the pure fact that the Moira made a BAD CHOICE that got someone else killed and ruined what could have been a decent push!!

That is why people lose matches. Players make bad positioning and flanking choices and it leaves you at a disadvantage.

Any time you have to hip fire, you could quick scope. If you understood Ashe you’d know that ammo conservation and accuracy is more important than hip firing and your options when getting dove.

Accuracy clearly isn’t my issue at 52%.

Ammo conservation is not a problem for me. I know how many rounds I have and I can count.

You keep assuming that these are not known to me, and they are.

I can hip fire if I am using it effectively. If it wasn’t useful for helping burn down tanks it would not have been put on the hero.

it also depends on what hero is diving. if its a tracer, Sombra or Genji, of course I am going to scope them rather than hip fire. 2 tap with scope then hit them with dynamite.

I tend to use hipfire more often because mosty of the dive heros that I see being used are Hammond, Doom and Winston which are easy targets for getting ult charge quickly.

Of course she made a bad choice. But so did the rest of your team. You guys could have backed off and waited. Instead you kept fighting and because of that your team pushed on.

Your team once again could have backed off when Mercy went for the res but didn’t.

All this is one fight/push. Just 1, if you’re trying to tell me that you lost the game because of this one failed push speaks a lot towards your mental game capacity in video games. One tilt against you and your team is doomed. That’s a huge disadvantage that your team gets. Someone sees you on the opposite team and all they have to say is, “GG enemy team, that QueueQMoar guy is a thrower! I feel bad for you guys!” and that’s enough to tilt you to end up becoming the reason why your team loses. Combine that psychological warfare with one failed push and that same player saying, “see, QQ’s a bad DPS OMEGALUL” and I can just imagine how much you’d explode on your team.

Also, I’ve been through hundreds of games in Gold and Plat. The only time that I see DPS Ana/Moira is when the team is anti’d and can’t be healed anyway, flanker is unpunished, WM is uncontested, etc… Take a look at the game as a whole instead of just one or two players. If you surround your mental game around why your team isn’t supporting your play then you WILL begin to better understand how to play around your team.

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Hip firing is an issue and opens you up to more chances you are vulnerable, not to mention it doesn’t do nealy as much damage. It’s like using primary fire almost always on hog.

One of the most entertaining threads I’ve seen in a while. I see OP has now made his stats private and I’m not surprised after looking at them on overbuff. I think people have pointed out in the thread the issues you have and hopefully you’ll take them on board.


Really? I’ll do a bronze to gm climb and stream it for you lol, or just let me play on ur account for a day and I’ll get it to mid diamond. You’re in your rank because you belong there. Flat out mechanical skill isn’t what determines what rank you should be in

Yeah. DO that. Gonna be a fresh account, you purposely place low, then tryb hard to your rank. Which is a COMPLETELY invalid demonstration of MMR when its on a fresh account!!!

Your right. Fl;at out skill isn’t what makes you climb. WINNING DOES!!!

Find it VERY HARD to believe that the MM is placing me with LIKE SKILLED PLAYERS when I can see that people are MAKING BAD PLAYS that I would NEVER make playing that hero!!! Nice try but, your argument is flawed.

So…we lose due to lack of heals and bad tanks who make reckless plays…HMMMM…wonder why I am still in Gold!!!

The players on the other side are just as bad as the ones on your team. If you can’t beat them, then you’re not any better than they are.

That’s why you’re still in gold/whatever rank you’re stuck in Vyel/alt account QueueQMoar

Because you overestimate your own skill while focusing on everyone’s play but your own.

Ok then, why don’t you just make a new account and prove that you’re really as good as you claim to be?

Assumptions based on absolutely no evidence.

I am not him. Stop assuming.

You post the same way, play the same hero, have the same rank, have the same stats. It’s obvious enough.

I’m not assuming anything. I also asked Jeff, and he said in an interview that you’re the alt account. Google it.


You are legitimately hilarious.

I said to check Blizzard’s twitter. I know links are hard for you, but please, at least make an effort this time:
twitter {dot} com/BlizzardCS?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

There were log in issues for several people. I was one of them.

So… are you going to comment on this?

Especially after you said all of this junk?

No, you aren’t. You dodged the issue. Oh my you’re something else.

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You are troll. Not gonna be responding to you again. Have fun bub.

The ISSUE is bad healers. Never dodged that.

Stop ignoring the OBVIOUS reasons why people are in Gold when they should be in Plat or maybe Diamond based on mechanical skill and effectiveness.

your the one ignoring all the reasons your wrong.