I submit proof that ELO hell can exist under a very specific set of circumstances. I am the most egregious gold smurf in the history of your game. And it was completely unintentional

Teams always have to rely on healers to stay alive, have to rely on tanks to take less damage and the healers and tanks need the DPS to make picks and defend the back line.

Any of those things that aren’t in check is a vulnerability and causes a loss.

So when a Moira dies because she is chasing a flanker and gets deleted by the enemy and a Mercy makes an equally bad decision to go revive that Moira and also dies RIGHT AS we were making a push…yeah well. That happens a LOT in Gold. More so than any other tier.

I… I can’t even begin to fathom how obsessed you are with my rank.

If you went the link I provided, you would see that I put in 17 hours last season, amassing 60 wins. 60 wins in a 2 month season literally averages to a win every single day. Not to mention obvious losses. Apologies for being a senior in college who’s dealing with classes and a part time job, on top of a girlfriend who had brain surgery. Please, continue to critique me as a “rank sitter”.

And I would love to show you my winrate and anything else you want Mr. Detective, but unfortunately blizzard servers are down right now… (check their twitter).

Now, can you please stop making this about me, and focus on the argument at hand? What importance does my masters rank even hold when this was my point to the OP?

Stop digging. Go back to the point and stop cherry picking this forced smurf narrative.


-shivers- Ooohhhhhh 17 WHOLE hours??? FRACKING AMAZING DUDE!!

Lets see what your winrate is on Genji.

I have invested hundreds of hours into this game since before the release. The opinion of a rank sitter with less than 20 hours is completely irrelevant to me.

Low level, almost identical rank of 2100, similar hero choices, similar performance stats, similar dismissive attitude.

Looks like we found OP’s alt account.


I’m sorry for having a life? And don’t you worry as soon as I can log on to the damn game (servers are dead), I will post you my flipping win rate. It’s quite high. I’ve been masters since dive meta. You’re seriously looking pretty dumb right now, dude. Especially with how you continuously are digging into me and calling me a rank sitter. AND ignoring anything else that I say about the argument at hand!

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Honestly this would make the most sense, considering how this guy is sticking up for OP and ignoring any and all arguments against him just like OP did. And why he’s so mad at me because he can’t respond to my questions… Especially when you consider both OP and this guy are trying to make my opinions irrelevant


That is a completely inaccurate and trollish assumption. Nice try bub.

Because the facts you have chosen to show do not support your previous statements.

Anyone with less than 25 hours is DEFINITELY a rank sitter!!

If you had 10 hours on Genji and not just 5 that would not be the same.

It is not that hard to ignore an argument when the argument makes absolutely NO FRAKING SENSE or is based off imagined statistics and “proof” you have not actually shown thus far.

“Feast your eyes on this mythical beast, the Minotaur!!”

Its really just a cows head sewn onto the corpse of a human with surgivally attached legs.

Typical carnival trickery.

…wow. The mental gymnastics. I honestly am just sitting here waiting for the servers to get back on so I can make you eat your words…

They’re up! Get ready!!!


You can go back to posting nonsense on your main account OP. He’s provided more proof than you have about your Blizzard “statements.”


Ready to look like an idiot?

Here you go:

97 games played in 2 months for a senior in college with a job:
prnt {dot} sc/lvfxen

75% winrate on GENJI
prnt {dot} sc/lvfxri

Now lets take a trip down memory lane when I used to play a lot more years ago on a different account:
prnt {dot} sc/lvfy2y

EIGHTY HOURS that season! What more are you gonna say, buddy? Shut up.


It could be an alt. Or it could just be that these kinds of people are stereotypical as all hell.


He’s awfully quiet now :joy:

I wonder if he will finally respond to the topic at hand…


Radio silence. I love it.


I question the opinion of someone who has apparently invested so much time into this game, only to get to gold, somewhere that lacks even the fundamentals of overwatch.


How can someone come here and say he have more than 20 years of experience in Fps and hardstuck gold and be proud of it lol. You should be ashamed of your tracking dude…

  1. wrong, your group partner has zero impact on where you place. How you perform versus how you’re expected to perform (I.e. you better carry if you’re a 3000 player in a 2600 SR game) and where you left off the season before are the only factors.
  2. CS was a mod to HL1, not HL2. It had been around for like 5+ years before HL2 even came out
  3. this game takes a lot more than just clicking heads. But knowledge of positioning, counters, synergies, cooldown management, ult tracking, etc aside, what’s your crit acc with mccree? Better be 15%+ if you think you belong in master or close to 20 for GM or you just won’t be doing the damage or getting enough final blows to hang in those games.

I know that better than anybody. I’ve been in every rank from bronze to gm, with most of my time being in gold/plat. If you have a DPS Moira, the chances are that the enemy team has someone just as bad. Don’t ever expect anything from your team in that rank or you’ll never climb. Look at your own mistakes rather than just thinking “wow I’m stuck in gold because this rein is an idiot and keeps charging in and this Mercy doesn’t know how to turn around”. There are plenty of ways that you yourself can improve

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My aim’s “97th percentile” on McCree and I don’t think I’m a masters player secretly trapped in high gold. I recognize I’m not fighting A-D crouch and blink mind game Tracers or really anyone with particularly challenging movement to predict. Even if my aim was good enough it would by no means mean I would hit masters. My positioning, mind set, map knowledge, ability to predict enemy ability use, ult tracking, etc, etc would all have to improve dramatically.

I’ve fought GM Widows 1v1. It’s not pretty. I fought a 4300 Widow and it was awful, I felt like I died the frame I was in sight lines regardless of how I approached. Make a custom lobby saying “Let me destroy you masters/GM widow”. Someone will bite and you will realize how different a game these people are playing. You will be lucky to go 1 to 8 against a GM Widow. This is not an exaggeration, it’s that big of a gap. But I welcome you to attempt it yourself and record. It is a humbling experience, and it will help put what your end goal is in perspective. And heck if you do go 1 to 2 or even 1 to 3 against them in kills you can post it here and be like “see guys I told you”. Either you learn something or you get to hold an “I told you so” over everyone here. It’s not time consuming either. No excuses now! :stuck_out_tongue:

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