I stopped playing to maintain rank

Anyone else doing this? As soon as I peaked past Gold 1 and into Plat 5, I stopped playing comp altogether. I haven’t touched ranked queue in days. There’s no point in trying to climb because I won’t make it to diamond in the amount of time left even if I was a godlike widow, but there’s also the almost guaranteed certainty that I’ll drop back to Gold so… I just stopped playing.

This feels like dumb design. Like my motivation to play is already dwindling, and then it takes a nosedive because we’re at the end of the season and there’s too much risk to the end of season rewards.

You shouldn’t play comp near the end of the season anyways. There are a lot of these creatures that come out of the woodwork to do their placements and well, there’s a reason they don’t play comp very much (they are absolutely horrible)


I’m really hoping I don’t see people doing placements in Plat, but Blizzard doesn’t give me much confidence

Hate to break it to ya but you’re prolly gonna start next season in like gold 5.

If he’s lucky. More like silver 2 or so

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Yeah, since we have 1 more season of decay he’s going to drop no matter if he plays or not. Plat 5 could be a stiff drop into Bronze territory and we don’t like strangers down here in the depths of MMR hell.

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I did this last season. I stopped in season 1 when I got to Plat 4 and started season 2 and Gold 5. Didn’t play again until last week lol. Totally ruined my desire to play idk

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wont stopping playing decay rank further than it would if you were playing right up to season ,end running risk of ending up lower than you would have?

The decay will happen either way.

The problem is that I’ll lose my end of season rewards if I keep playing. I’m not concerned about dropping rank after the rewards are sent out.

It is good you stopped playing, they have coded demonic programming into this game to mess with your psychological and spiritual health. It is good to step away from this evil game.

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That’s why I let season 2 kind of drag on. I took every single role into silver and gold. Season 2 start and they were all bronze 5. That is what killed the mood for me.

Yeah, I got to plat and switched to my alt to see how being a torb main goes. The only time I switch is if they have a pharah. My conclusion so far is that playing torb is more difficult than quite a few other heroes.

I mean, you do you, but I’d say try and climb higher. I peaked in GM3. I’m not done yet though. One season I’m going to get GM1

I wish I didn’t. I may get deranked.

I mean, I’ll climb at the beginning of next season. Why should I risk my rewards in the last week or two of the season?