I still don’t get the probability factor of mmr

idk wut u mean by that.

i’m just saying no reason for mmr to exist if they expect your intangible “gitgud” to just do w/e it takes to convert that win. if it’s about winning and not stats, we don’t need mmr, a simple randomized within sr range alg will MM fairly and efficiently and without rigging.

that’s not how the rigging works.

Who cares just play the game and get better.


right. which is why we don’t need mmr rigging
until then u don’t need to play and get better.
u can play for fun or sweat - the ranks will come to u via mmr faster than u’ll ever see the sr.

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No you climb when you get better not when you just play on auto pilot like most people on the forums do then go and complain they aren’t winning enough games to climb.


right but why do we need mmr to tell us that?
sr is ur climb.
just random ppl, have them show up, play, and win sr.
no reason to crunch someone’s actual skill, never show them it, and expect them to deal with rigging around it.

why is there mmr except to rig.


Who cares what system blizzard has to separate ranks. Just play the game and get better so you can win. You are overdosing so hard on copium its insane


if the system is rigged then ur ranks don’t matter.
there isn’t any integrity.
no1 cares about ur rank or climb lol
it’s a joke to think ur sr means something when the game uses mmr to decide skill.

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Make sure to write on your resume when you get older “Instead of owning up to my mistakes I instead blame them on others and things I know nothing about”


make sure to write on ur resume that u played a rigged game.
that u thot ur SR chevron pixels mattered when they have nothing to do with skill. stay in denial. be sure to tell employers u can’t read patents.


So let me get this straight, you care enough about the game to come on the forums to complain about ranked but when talking about ranks you say they dont matter. HUGGEEEEE

Dont overdose on the copium, keep going might have to call 911


u said no1 cares, so why do u have to spam copium for ur fake pixels?
are u sad ppl lower ranked are better then u?
or are u just mad cause u dedicated ur “gitgud” to a rigged sham.

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You are on the forums in tears over that said system.


i’m not in tears i’m laughing at ppl who think they climbed to some meaningful pixels when the entire game rigs around mmr. i’m laughing how u will be bagging my groceries when ur fake pixels are gone and i still have my 3 degrees which include being able to read patents and do math.


Thank you so much for faking all this to make me laugh.


This is all hilarious.

I only have two degrees but yea man… at some point you have to step back and look at how much time you spent at these games.

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Where did you see this? I have a hard time believing they would use such extreme gaps.

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You have 3 degrees and spend your spare time insulting teenagers in an online forum? Not sure that’s something to brag about…


I remember seeing this in one of those “how seasons work”. But even I had a hard time finding it.

I don’t think anyone insulting anyone, let it be known I only do this for match quality. I said this before and I’ll say it again, I don’t care my rank I just want the match quality to improve.

Unless someone can post a link, I don’t believe they’d have such huge divisions. They have literally 5000 increments for SR, but only 13 for what they actually match you on? Blizzard is dumb, but I don’t think they’re THAT dumb…although it would explain a lot about the quality of matches.

Actually as writing this, I do recall a Jeff/Seagull interview where he mentioned it goes “a little above 3” so I believe the 0.5 increments even less now.

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Inflammatory comment