I seriously don't understand how this SR works

So I just finished my DPS and support placements.

I started my support placements with my strongest player, Moira. I literally lost every single game. I know medals arent everything, but I ended up most games with 14-16K healing, and even some matches with silver damage. Gave it my all and felt I was the strongest teammate on 4 out of 5 matches. I got 1560 at the end.

I then played my DPS placements, mainly playing doomfist and mccree. and I did pretty poorly IMHO. I would usually only get silver damage and when I played doom I often ended up with bronze damage and I died more often than not. Not my best and I would say pretty sub-par as DPS isnt my strong suit…I got 2165.

I have no idea what this game takes into account to judge SR. Played moira like a champ, would get 2-3 kills per fight, get almost gold everything and still pump out 7-8K healing per round and I get almost bronze. I play like crap as DPS and get gold.

Playing comp in this game just doesn’t feel rewarding. Do amazing and get crap SR gains, play poorly and get ok SR gains. It feels like we need more PBSR or at the very least make SR tie a bit more into how YOU play and not 90% on wins and losses.

Im not saying we need to have it all be personal performance, but I would like to see SR gains and losses tied more to how well you did.

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±80% win/loose , like 15% should you win or not(you playing against a weaker team. so get less SR, and like 5% performance based in lower ranks.

Yes since the system tries to manipulate your games in a 50% win chance. And many games (especially in lower ranks) can not be won, even if your skill is like a full rank higher. It feels very unrewarding.

But i dont believe a personal performance based rank system can be created. I posted some threads like this in the passed asking for the same. So based on stats. But now i realize this will not work either.
Overwatch is a team based game. Your performance is to much influenced by the rest of your team. If your support/tanks are bad, you will have a lot harder time getting the same stats then you normally have.
So even if you change the SR system to make it more based on personal performance, it will still be mostly be based on what team you have.

The SR system was originally created for groups. When comp just came out it was for 6 stacks only. For groups this SR works good. And since overwatch is team based i think we should go back to a team based comp:
A clan based system with a ladder of clans (so not an individual ladder)
Current SR system, and comp mode, can than be used for clans/people to look for new recruits. But a diamond clan could if they want recruit a silver player.
Maybe even a tournament system, where clans sign up before a season. And during that season the roster can not be changed. Each season the top x% will get promoted while the down x% will be drop down a rank.

So, i think, the only way to play overwatch competitive now, is only by using clans.
(*clans with max like 15 people, so not big guilds you see in a mmo. the only way to play in these modes would be with clan people, and it will result your clans rank. You train and become better as clan)

I made a new account recently, lost all my support placements and placed 1615, won 3 out of 5 dps ones and got low plat. And the funniest part is that I placed almost diamond in tank. I’m god awful at tank, I just happened to win all the placements.

For placements, your rank depends most on previous rank, followed by win/loss, followed by statistical performance (if below 3000). If you haven’t played a role in a while (or are on a new account) you will see exaggerated movement for a while. See How Competitive Matchmaking and Rating Works (Season 18) for more details.