I see alot of people wanting a change for mercy

Ive noticed quite a few posts saying that her damage boost is too strong with a significant group saying its not. How about this as an experimental change. Keep her damage boost at 30% but make it like symmetras beam where it need to charge up. So it would start at 1% damage boost and ramp up to 30% over time.

Edit: Put 20% instead of 30% my bad i forgot the number.


That would be a nerf. I think Mercy is fine as se is currently since she comes and goes with the changing metas.


i don’t think he’s trying to nerf it he probably just thinks it’s at 20 rn that’s why he said keep at 20%

my bad i forgot the right number. Meant to put 30

Oh I see, well what would be the point of having to charge it up to 30%? When other supports don’t have to charge their abilities in order to get full value.


i wouldn’t consider it a ability though if you think about it isn’t it just a secondary fire since their isn’t a cool down on it

Because having an instant 30% damage boost on call by just right clicking seems to be causing problems with high damage heroes like phara and widow. And before you compare it to zenyattas orb. It has travel time and can only affect one enemy that can just hide behind a wall and the damage boost is useless. While ana and bap are ultimates.


Pharah is not a major issue in regards to balance.

The problem is that some heroes were near over tuned which made them quite strong on their own. Mercy damage boost in those situations tipped the scales.

Now those heroes have been adjust to not tip the scales even with damage boost.






DB is Mercy’s main strength, without any sort of compensation buffs to the rest of her kit she would be obsolete with these nerfs.

DB is also Mercy’s primary way of ‘dealing damage,’ even with the boost she provides her allies she still gets out DPSed by most supports.

Also, she isn’t even meta in GM. Her pick rate goes up and down naturally when her best pockets are or aren’t meta.

Well, using your logic if I DB an ally that’s going to miss all of his/her shots then there goes all of my value as well. We would both be literally useless. At least with Zen’s orb you can shoot the target yourself :smirk:


Changes that mercy needs:
-dmg boost reduction
-heal reduction
-moving rez to being an ult

Only then we shall have peace.

Hana, how could you :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:

(Mercy is fine :smirk:)

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Nothing personel :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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This actually made me laugh out loud :rofl:

Nothing personel, kid


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With rez moving back to ult, and hopefully getting an improve (1 rez to ult just wont cut it). I can see a DB reduction but why cut heals too? Knocking both seems overkill.


So you just want Mercy to be bad yeah?


Just I want her to be in line with the rest of the healers. She is like the Reinhardt of healers. There is basically no reason not to pick her every time.

People asking for Ana and Mercy nerfs :yawning_face: They are both literally fine. Their kit can be annoying but I wouldn’t say they are OP


Mercy after her 100th unjustified nerf:

“Mercy was nerfed so hard that now she just raises all of the Genji clones to become big and strong”


She’s a perfect example of fried gold, when you have teamwork vs. a team doing it’s own thing.

Flankers doing ???, No shields or damage mitigation, hitscan who can’t aim or prioritize targets with team. She wouldn’t be a problem, if everyone stopped ignoring her, till the last minute.

Duo’s are also some of the easiest things to shut down. Kill her pocket, she’ll either try for a stupid/panic rez, or bolt (because they’re cowards without their friends.)