I Really Wish The Average DPS Player On Competitive wasn't a dumpster fire

V true, I love having an aggressive rein with a lucio who knows how to use speed boost, honestly the two of them and an Ana sitting In the back is all you need to win in silver through gold…

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I played him all through the double shield Meta and still had a 55% win rate. He is the best for Bunker comps I think because he can run right past Orisas shield.

When I was gold I often got 4 gold medals each game since Rein can put out an insane amount of damage if the healers enable him. i think he is the most fun hero in the game.

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I don’t think I’ve played a game in gold that I don’t have gold metals in no mater what roll I was playing, in the end it’s not the roll it’s the player, of you’re shyt you’re shyt… just get gud Iul

(Not to say medals even mean anything, Elims per 10 is where it’s at yo)

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Funny but your tittle can be used for support and tank too.


considering how long DPS Wait Times are…the fact any of them can be to the point where it’s trolling is mind boggling

they must not value their time that well

I have to ask, how is a gold DPS any worse at the game than a gold support?

Depending on what support you play, the DPS players mechanics are probably better than yours and your game sense is probably better, but they’re still making game winning plays just as often or they wouldn’t be in that rank. You just might not be in a game where the hero’s you play enable what they play (e.g. Moira players don’t enable Genji players, mercy players do enable pharah players, etc)


Do you know tank class has options to solo carry the whole team elo-wise too? Roadhog, Hammond ball, Winston can all be 1 man army.

Blaming dps is not fair when the game stack heavily odds against them. If the enemies decide to run Brig and Moira, your dps won’t have mechanical consistency to out damage the massive healing or skills to even duel Moira. Nobody can unless you reach top level of player base.

It’s not you sux they sux problem, it’s the game design flaws problem.

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As a (former) tank main and support main, it’s just more obvious watching dps players make really stupid Rambo plays.

Not just gold players. Saw a vid review with a masters McCree that had dropped to Plat. Utterly sick aim. Two shotting everybody as McCree. But no concept of teamwork. There was an Orisa barrier there all match and he never used it. The reviewer even wrote on screen “USE BARRIER”. He’d also constantly run in 1v6 to Rambo the enemy team and die repeatedly.

And as an Orisa main it just got more and more depressing watching my dps, essentially, throw games.
Had 99% on Oasis and I had ult ready to drop to win the team fight.

Do they wait for everybody to group up, follow me in and win? Of course not. Just constant feeding as the team pissed the round up the wall.

What do you do about it as a tank player?

You frag out with Hog or Zarya.

I’ve seen so many tank duos of Hog and Zarya ripping teams apart.

I’m a crap Hog, but a crap 3rd dps is better than a barrier tank that nobody utilises.

So, to op, git gud with Hog and Zarya and try to out kill your team mates’ stupid.

inb4 “well you are to blame too”

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In a sense I am. I’m not good enough on Hog and Zarya to tank at low elo.

Last time I was stuck with Orisa at low elo I played Lucio and Moira and climbed to gold with 80% win rate.

I’ve played games at 2500 with Orisa and won them. I’ve lost games with Orisa at 1600.
Games get easier the higher up you go, until you reach your natural skill point.

She’s too slow and team dependent to be able to take advantage of enemy weaknesses or escape when in trouble.

Lost a game with her at 1600. 3 golds and a silver. No good though as unable to make up for the deficiencies of my dps Vs theirs.

So many games the barrier is up and people just charge ahead chasing kills. Even supports, not just dps.

You need to assume that, until gold, every team mate is a frothing berserker maniac that wants to rip enemies apart with their bare teeth.

It’s better to join them than futilely expect them to play as a team.

still it’s stupid when i hear people say at platinum and below you can be blindfolded and still kill everyone on the opposing team if you are good enough or that at platinum and below

nobody knows how to look up so A Pharah will never die…

like who comes up with this crap?..who honestly if you are good enough that you can just play one handed and blindfolded…and still curbstomp the enemy team

I played healer for multiple seasons before role q. I won games just playing Lucio and countering ultimates of dps and tanks. It was literally free Sr. I also won games just playing Winston with my dva buddy. we would jump back lines together delete anything that wasn’t a tank and earn a easy win.

Stop blaming dps, healers, tanks for everything. I know bad tanks and supports and some cases dps are incredibly tough to carry. You can’t win them all. In most cases if you are the better tank or better support then the enemies. You will win.

I have been playing fps games for over ten years. Made champions Division in fortnite and diamond in apex. Diamond is as high as I’ve been in overwatch. Using recent games as examples. Overwatch is by far the hardest game to carry in as a dps. I can’t one v 2 or one v3 as well as I can in call of duty, apex, fortnite. Why? Supports shut me down. Tanks mitigate all my damage. when they know how to play the roles.


It’s not a straw man it’s the truth. If you are low SR your dps are not holding you back. You are just not good at carrying on your tank/support role as your ego is telling you. This will never be true in every single match but no argument will be. It’s not about single games it’s about consistency.


I actually took a moment to analyze my win rates and realized that the heroes I did best with basically were “if I can’t DPS myself then I’ll play someone who can enable it” anyway pick Zen or Sigma they’re fun.

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So you blame your loss on 1/3 of your team? Not the 2/3 you happen to belong to that often possess more damage AND survivability?



LOL my winrate on Lucio is something like 65% and I spend most of my time on gold Lucio just babysitting my main tank. “Alright, they’re running, we go fast! Oh baby you just tried to chase a full health Reaper, you don’t want this duel, let’s boop him away. Yes! You saw the Ana all alone! GO FAST!”


Low elo is hell so I can understand why your dps are trash, but you got to do your best with or without them. I can’t really speak on the part of healer but I can on tank and I’ll tell you that the dps should be the ones trusting you not vise versa. As a tank you’re the initiator that starts fights and creates space. It can be hard trusting your team to follow you up but they will if they’re close and you call it out. Playing tank is about enabling your team, but you can just as easily hard carry games by being aggressive and staggering them in an endless steamroll. My advice to any low tank is to make sure you have a healer and play aggressive. Also the only time you’ll absolutely need your dps is when you’re up against a tank buster like reaper.

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Lol a good lucio is always going to be meta because of his ability to babysit his team, right now it feels like the only thing that can stop my mei in this meta is a lucio with 2 working brain cells working together, gg


Even then tho, an Ana dva and zen could take care of a reaper better than most of the dps cast, honestly so much more of the support cast is made to deal with reaper than the dps cast, lucio hoops him out of range, Ana sleeps him, close range zen rips through his big azz hit box as he’s coming in, brig stuns him and boops him away moira can run from him and out sustain him with healing orb in a 1 v 1 bap has emortality feild, the support class in overwatch is strong, people really need to stop writing them a free pass just for playing support

Lucio, Mei, and Zarya are my favorite babysitter heroes. I’ve dropped a wall in front of my suicidal charging Rein and saved teamfights by forcing them into the correct position or bubbled the Reaper dropping in next to 4 stuns to try to flank ult. “Lemme just save you from yourself real quick…”

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