I really don't understand the point of the Mei changes

we have no idea yet.

We gotta test. This isn’t something we’ve had before.

just barely. I’m less of a # and more of a feel player so I’ll get back to you on how many you can cram in before no more slow. Also wondering if it “bursting” gets rid of the slow which would be… annoying. By numbers you should be able to cram in 2 shots before the slow fades… but this is by the old logic that Mei’s beam is not quite a beam but weird projectiles that have traveltime. You USED to be able to fire the beam till ALMOST frozen, and while the last bit traveled you warmed up M2 so you could get 2 dinks in before they unfroze. … but now it “bursts” so we’ll see what that does.

… Also cannot wait to go to…

Continuing the discussion from Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - June 13, 2023:
