I Quit Playing Tank

Hi All,
I guess with the constant nerfing to re-balance the tanks, I will quit playing tank for good.

Tanking itself is an extremely thankless role in this game, and with the constant nerfs to tanks and abilities, the meta in terms of tanks seems to shift every couple of weeks. Another frustrating part is that in Competitive, you cannot affect the outcome of a game unless the rest of your team buys in to your particular play style. This makes solo queueing as tank already very frustrating, and to further nerf tanks makes no logical sense, unless Blizzard is further aiming to reduce the tank Player base.

Essentially, tanks are super boring, super frustrating to play, and further tank nerfs will not help with ensuring a lasting player base.

I am switching to DPS only, as that is the one class I can still actually have fun, try different things, and feel like I can have an impact on the game…

At times Blizzard appears particularly tone deaf when it comes to the health of the game, or the player base.

The focus should be on enticing players to queue for tank, not drive them away from the role.

It will get to the point where there are 7 million folks wanting to play Genji, and about 4 folks actually playing tank.


Had the same tank meta for a year so it hasn’t changed every couple weeks.


The Elo you’re in doesn’t know how to support tanks. As a tank player you have to carry your games to be victorious.

Tank, just as much or more than DPS, can hard carry games. In Diamond and above, tank players move at such an incredible pace, DPS have to be very capable to keep up…


Honestly, my best advice is to pick up Zarya and basically hard carrying up to Plat, where tanking gets a lot more fun because your team will support you.


This. DPS in plat and below don’t hit enough shots to need a shield a lot of the time anyway.

I go 50+ elims and 1-3 deaths all the time as zarya in anything below masters. Mega carry potential.


overwatch is trash now, dont just stop playing tank, stop playing the game


Im rein1tricking from plat to masters this season and it’s actually a lot of fun. I mainly focus on pinning enemy rein off the map.


Have you ever played tank in comp before? No seriously, have you?


I switched to support and play tank every few days to see if my gamesense of actually healing has rubbed off on others… it never does.


I know the feeling beeing in our rank we make a lot of mistakes too i am sure.
But so often its a struggle even starting to play something that looks like overwatch.

Advice to only play an offtank works right up until the first game where the other tank refuses to MT. Typically this is the first game you play.


You, sir, overestimate plat supports lol

I overestimate them evenly on both sides, if you get a Rein to duo with you, you can braindead w key into the enemy team while yelling at your team in comms to feed with you. It works because the other team’s supports and tanks will not be able to keep up with the aggresion and get steamrolled, because of how passive the double shield meta and Orisa and Sigma have made tank mains.

Yeah, it’s big brain time

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I was a tank main before I swapped to DPS because I found DPS could never kill anything and I thought I could do their job better.

What I learned is that the tank players were actually very timid and incapable of playing aggressively enough to make space for DPS. Alternatively, they would play WAY TOO aggressive and feed the enemy.

Beyond that, supports never seemed to balance the play of Support until at least Diamond. Being Gold/Plat is a tough place to play. Diamond is where you start seeing people do their jobs. Masters is where you start seeing people do their jobs correctly, and GM is just as much of a clown show as every other rank.


Good for you. Let your fun do the voting. It’s a video game - entertainment, hobby, passtime. Don’t play anything you find unfun. If their team can’t get their act together and fix that trash bribe lootbox role - meme them for days.

Meanwhile, there is feedom queue aka open comp - where queues are fast - and you can be all you can be. Having fun, in a video game, the way it was meant to be played.


Advice on rein ??? Help us tanks with popping off

Idk man, I’ve been solo queuing DPS in bronze, and the most frustrating things actually ARE the tanks at that level of play. There is just zero game sense. You either have tanks standing at choke doing nothing with shield up, won’t press W, thus forcing a squishy character to try to make something happen/create space. Or you have the aggro Rein that just charges into the enemy team alone, gets in a few hammer blows, dies, and is like “why I got gold dps?”

It got to the point that yesterday, I decided I am just going to queue as tank/support for a while because it is better on mental health.

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I’m sorry, but that seems like such a lie. I watched a huge Overwatch league match and the only characters I saw consistently were Orisa, Sigma and Doomfist. I saw Rein once, switched out for Orisa. But BOTH teams had Orisa and Sigma as far as tanks. One time, an Orisa changed to Rein, but that was about it. This was a match between TWO countries.

I’m not trying to be mean or rude, but the variety in this game is extremely lacking as far as what tanks you can choose and win with. CAN you win with a crappier character? Sure. Will it happen? More likely no than if you choose Sigma.

If you’re wondering? Korea vs the USA.

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I agree with the OP 100%. Tank is the hardest role to play, evidence by the fact my damage and support are much higher, and tank is the role I play most. We need far more tank characters so we’re able to change the balance of power.

[quote=“Romulus-11755, post:3, topic:536466”]
As a tank player you have to carry your games to be victorious.
[/quote] This is part of the problem too.

DPS is easier and more fun, not just because there are more characters, but you can change role in order to counter the enemy team comp much more easily. If you’re playing your best as tank, and your DPS do not change their role, you’re screwed. The only way to get to a decent rank as tank is to queue with 3+ players and hope the rest cooperate.

I’m also sick and tired of losing games with all gold medals, or near to it, while shot calling, because other team mates don’t know what the hell to do.

Fundamentally, the matches are not balanced for the tank role. No wonder the fewest people play it.

Blizzard, please DO something about this. At least look at the matchmaking for tank.


understamdable have a greeat day

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