I need a break (Alexis!)

No comment. This may or may not be an alt account.

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Be like Roadhog and Take a Breather from the game, sounds like you could use one about now, Alexis.

~ PyroPanda

As always, I recommend Borderlands 2.

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No worries, I’m kinda doing the same. Mostly smash bros, Zelda, and apex nowadays.

But I really like the design aspects of the game, and am anxiously waiting for some better system with RoleLocking.

And if I was patient enough, I’d make an expanded list of callouts for a mega communications wheel.

Do what jelly did, took a break for about year and haven’t come back and don’t plan to. Better games to play out there, where the devs care about the game and not esports.

Sadly blizzard has ruined their own game by wasting its potential, overwatch could be so much more then it is now. Guess activision is to blame.

I don’t blame you Alexis👍


Waaaitttt a minute… If you never came back and have no plans to, can you really call it a break?

That sounds more like a straight up divorce to me. :laughing:

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It is called a hiatus. That is just a nice way of keeping the door open to keep our hopes and dreams alive…

Yeah that might be for the best from what you have stated in this post. Might I suggest you play a relaxing game like Minecraft? That’s s game for people to play on hiatus from other games.

We should duo sometime in Quick Play or Arcade. No need to stress about competitive! This may or may not be my main account.

I quit comp and ow as main game few months ago and it was a relief.

This game somehow causes damage when playing daily for long period of time haha.

I now just come back for events or to play some arcade with friends and its better this way for me.

Break is good idea.


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Taking a break is probably a good idea. Burnout is bound to happen, I figure it’s better to take a break and possibly come back at another time rather than building frustration/resentment by forcing yourself to continue playing.

Not taking the game as seriously is also a good way to help combat burnout, at least in my experience. I hit masters a few seasons back and felt like I was boxed into only playing 3 or 4 different heroes. Took a bit of a break, started playing with my friend on my lower ranked account, and enjoyed the game much more.

Mind sharing your twitch? I love watching speedruns when I have the time!

i would if i wasnt poor and had the money for it :confused:

that just gives you a sense of the last ive streamed

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Good point😵

Yes, no break, don’t take a break, just leave XD

lesbianlexi :thinking: I think I remember someone sending me a friend invite of that name in AI one time, then never saw them again.

lmao I’m sick of being masters/GM, the game is impossible to have fun when the matches are determined by which team has the better widow… now I just mainly play on my orisa account thats in diamond, and just hope I don’t rank up. Sad how that’s what it’s came too


Thats understandable

probably cuz u removed me the next day

Then you’ll get those Widowmakers from Masters decay into Diamond.

I don’t miss playing competitive :frowning:

they should still get placed in masters games