The game is still here, so I’m not sure what you are missing.
Mercy is also still here so what you actually mean is you miss mass resurrection or the moth meta
The game is still here, so I’m not sure what you are missing.
Mercy is also still here so what you actually mean is you miss mass resurrection or the moth meta
Either you miss the old version of the hero or you miss the game, both isn’t really a thing.
Because it’s not a bug. It’s literally just the bunny hop feature. Bunny hop was purposely created to give you more vertical distance the higher someone is above you when you fly to them. Superjump is just crouching into your GA so that you are lower than your teammate and one you reach them, the game registers that and sends you up into the air. That’s how bunny hop was purposefully coded from the start.
TLDR: They can’t remove superjump without completely changing how bunny hop works.
To all these people saying:
“B-but Papa Jeff said she’s fine!”
Ok, a dev said she’s fine.
But does that dev play the hero they claim is ‘fine’?
Does that dev speak for those who play the hero they claim is ‘fine’?
Does them saying she’s ‘fine’ magically make everyone who has a dislike for her current state just love her for what she is now?
They probably don’t if I were to guess.
And no, they don’t.
And still no.
When you make a hero be a certain way for so long and say she’s fine, then turn around and take such a statement BACK, nerf them with a shoddy rework that was technically thrown into the garbage because it was a horrible idea, and then proceed to nerf the rework 13 times while saying ‘she’s in a great place and we think she’s fine’; you make a lot of people upset.
It’s no surprise this hero gets a lot of attention considering what’s happened to them. Everyone likes to compare other heroes to the state Mercy is and has gone through; but no other hero to this date has been nerfed so many times as far as I am aware.
You can hate Mercy for what she was.
You can hate Mercy for what she is.
But can you truly hate the players who did not want this change speaking out? A lot of you will say yes; simply because it’s about Mercy and not some other hero you prefer.
I dont hate any players. Period.
People are welcome to speak out about changes they dont like, but the changes that Mercy mains seem (to me) to speak up loudest about were made a very, very long time ago; and most players in a game like this understand that once a character is no longer deemed suitable, you move onto a different character or a different game
This happened to me with Torb. Loved Torb. Mained him. They reworked Torb. Horrendous. I complained. Then I moved on to other characters.
Youre going to die playing 1.0, because she doesnt have advanced movement, cant escape anything, will get killed by everything, will let everything “die on point” will get killed because of her ultimate 24/7, will be murdered in voice chat with toxicity, will get annihilated if she doesnt hide… and rez.
But not everyone is you I’m afraid, so that logic simply can not be applied to everyone.
I agree that not everyone is me, naturally
I think that reasonable players - particularly experienced ones, like those who know of Mass rez, since that existed a very long time ago - understand that the characters in this game change over time, and with change comes a decision: do I still want to play this character now that he/she has changed?
If the answer is no, I believe reasonable players move onto to ether other characters (there are over 2 dozen to choose from) or move on to other games
I’d be happy if they introduced her without the invincibility on mass rez.
I’d be happy if mass rez never again sees the light of day in this game
mercy 2.0? YIKES. Moth meta was the worst point in this entires games history, and i dont think anything can match how disgustingly overpowered she was
Read; you want to have FUN alone while disregarding everyone else who plays with you. Playing with a Mercy with Mass Ress FEELS terrible, I don’t want to march and going full kamikaze knowing my healer purposely wont heal me until I die to get massed ressed later with the press of a button, and playing AGAINST a Mercy with Mass Ress felt EVEN MORE terrible because I have to hold back my cooldowns because I would be screwed to commit now just to get everything reverted back with a single press of a button.
And all that, for what? For someone to have “fun” by skilfully pressing a single button, while the rest of the team and the enemy players get their playstyle heavily affected? It’s a terrible, UNSKILLFUL ability, with great impact and ZERO MECHANICAL EFFORT. Get outta here with higher skill ceiling bs. Valk now actually has skill ceiling because you CAN GO OUT AND SHOOT PEOPLE, but most who can’t aim feel like it’s useless because it doesn’t grant them any magical easy powers. Heck Mass Ress wasn’t even that great and limited her use so much to only swinging fights in favor to the Mercy who saves it last. And even less useful when she gets killed before trying to use it, and basically everything just becomes wasted. Bad ability that promotes bad play style.
Tl:dr; Mass Ress is stupid and you only want it back because you can’t use Valk to it’s potential. Inb4 u come to me as a Mercy hater, I do like and play Mercy but not Mass Ress Mercy.
It’s not about being a ‘reasonable player’ though; sure, heroes change from time to time, but it’s not always for the better and the changes usually aren’t really needed. They’re sometimes just added to pander to those who complain this or that is OP, when it’s not most of the time.
The thing is; Blizzard adds and changes things to address a complaint. What they add or change is designed for one purpose…but players find a work around that lets them use it for another purpose.
Let’s take Brigitte for example: her design was built around making a peel support that could protect her team from the backlines that get dove on by high mobility heroes and flankers.
What did she end up getting used for?
Brawl comp abusing.
She would literally charge in and abuse comps that were too slow to get out of her way. Granted, her healing isn’t fast enough to eat ALL of the damage, so she either needs to be with her team to do it or just stay with her team as they push.
What was the result?
Heavy nerf to the damage on one of her abilities…and then another nerf to her armor as well as stripping it away from everyone her Ult applied it to after a certain amount of time.
Personally, I think the damage issue would have been fixed if they cut her lunge distance on Shield Bash down. There’s no reason thrusting her shield forward should throw her, what? 5 meters forward? Requiring her to be in her opponents face at all times in order to deal damage would have cut down on brawling because they can’t get in and out as effectively as her SB was also used for slight mobility to engage and disengage if the fight was falling out of her favor.
In my opinion, it is indeed all about how reasonable a player is
This is a game where characters change, sometimes a lot, sometimes a little, and players who have purchased the game have in fact purchased only a license to participate in the game as Blizzard (the owner of the intellectual property that is this game) defines it to be
Participate does not mean one has a guarentee that the characters, maps, scenarios, etc etc will remain as they prefer them to be. it means they can participate in the game as it is currently defined
Reasonable players understand this - and if a change is made to a character they like such that they no longer wish to play said character - well, there are over dozen other characters to choose from, as well as many many other games
Quit this trash game and play TF2. Playing Medic there is like being God among men.
Then you’re comparing players to cattle. You’re saying that they should accept the end result because there’s nothing that can be done. At the end of the day, you don’t matter because you didn’t pay for a game, you paid to be allowed to participate in a game that you have no influence over whatsoever.
Kind of like cattle. Nothing matters because at the end of the day, they’ll be slaughtered and their parts sold to different companies for profit. They have no say and can only just accept their fate really.
Blizzard said they would never revert Mercy, mass rez was far too unhealthy for the game
mercy is exactly same minus ult. You heal, you boost, you shift, you pull pistol and shoot. Nothing changed. At all. Even self regen (which is pretty BS) hasn’t been touched.
Just because hero isn’t OP musthave doesn’t mean you can’t play it. Some people are still playing Reaper above plat, for some reason.
I’d say most people who want a revert would simply switch out valk for mass res and throw an E on her (like Pacify, some skill shot thing someone came up with to reduce the damage the enemy puts out). At least that’s what I want. She wasn’t even very good back then =\
5 man res on point wasn’t as common as people made it out, and was rarely the optimal strategy as you just let the enemy setup for another team wipe… They got rid of the major issue (SR gain) but then gave one of the most ridiculous buffs in gaming (invuln if anyone forgot =_=“).
What I think is the worst is the way blizz handled the aftermath. Instead of addressing the concerns people had that just dumped it all in the trash (aka “Feedback Thread”). So many thousands of posts and all we get is “Mercys fine”.
Blizzard can do whatever they like, it’s their game. But that saga left a pretty bitter taste in many people’s mouths, which is why you still see posts popping up.
and your point is? if that’s the metaphor you choose to use so be it? you have no say as an individual pretty much anywhere but on your own life choices, deal with it?