I miss Symmetra 2.0!

  1. Auto-lock limits who you are aiming at if you can aim well, Lack of auto-lock is not a negative if you can aim well and quickly.

  2. This is why they are buffing the charge rate so you channel to max output faster and when it is at full power it is very deadly. It is not supposed to be deadly 100% of the time you are supposed to build charge when you get opportunities and then because you gain charge faster than you lose it that is where skill comes into play.

  3. For certain instances it is but if I am fighting a good Tracer for example and I have a charged beam I use a combination of secondary and Primary because she can dodge my orbs but she cannot dodge my Beam as it hits instantly if I aim on her.
    She will then try get distance which is when orbs come back into play.

  4. Turrets are a source of damage that you combine with your weapon, If primary fire made turrets target who it hits (like Torb) combined with the charge buff it would be in a quite a good place.

You’re failing to realize not many players rely on channeling damage especially when other dps heroes have damage output without going to max level. Sym either needs barrier support or no one is truly focusing on her which is never going to happen. Her right click serves better because fast charge and the damage is there. Beam is really irrelevant on many levels than it was during start to 2.0.

Skill doesn’t happen from beam. Skill happens from knowing the hero’s kit and which ability is better to use. Most players who have study Sym well relies on right click more than beam. The developers can buff beam all they want, but it won’t be as efficient like auto lock version or on Zarya’s level.

Sure, but if we’re talking on competitive level and not quick play. A good Tracer would have much of a problem unless you’re good with orb.

Eh I guess. I wouldn’t want turrets being tied down to my primary knowing how easily they’re destroyed and out of reach if I am far away.

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she wasnt bullied, she was a bully and i’m glad she’s gone

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This is a perfect example why we got Sym 3.0. Thank you for saying that others did not want to truly say xD!

Auto lock without a doubt annoyed players. Remove auto lock and threat level of Symmetra decreases drastically. Now she’s just “hah Sym”


Yes she is. Fighting 1.0/2.0 even at high charge was literally like keeping a midget at arms reach. 3.0 being given mobility and having her turrets technically have mobility is far more threatening.

Like, 120dps really isn’t anything even with an autolock. Ana nade + old Mercy beam negated the damage completely.

Yes but many heroes have abilities you can react to that give you large windows to throw turrets in the first place. Hog healing is a good example. Granted, you should never fight Hog as Sym, but him healing is a free two turrets down. Plus already being at full charge, he can hook and kill you, but the amount of damage Sym can put out in a situation like that is enough to likely kill him before he can kill you and the turrets. Reaction times matter little to forced animations. Maybe instead of trying to w+m1 a Junkrat you right click -> left click when he reloads.

I mean think about it. I cannot be the only Sym player who has tanks actively run from them to avoid being fed charge. People only do that because they know Sym with charge is very dangerous, whereas literally anyone 2.0 attempted to get charge off of could kill her. Her pick potential relied on a right click->left click pick and hopefully snowballing from there with no escape if things went badly.

She still kinda works that way, but can both teleport in/out as well as not commit suicide by even attempting to place a turret.

I’m pretty sure the topic was Syms threat level, so no, we’re still on the same page. Maybe try reading again, but slowly.

you’re wrong, now she’s balls symm, with turret trap+ball combo symm, and tp bomb and tp ball threat
in addition if you’re playing a tank and she holds lmb, YOU ARE IN DEAP TROUBLE

before with autolock she was like: i’m gonna beat you up and you cant do anything about it, at least now it’s a skill v skill

cough… I was summoned…

I just miss her projectile barrier. I can go either way with her Ult changes and her Turrets are far smoother to use with a lot more options due to their projectile nature.

Teleporter is a meh gimmic. Was a game on Valskya where attackers had a Symm. I saw them through the choke heading left and called out to my team. D.Va, Symm, and Mercy going around. Me and Hog can get em (I was Mei)

My team stayed choke and we swung around back and demolished them. Sneak attacks need to be sneaky and ain’t nothing sneaky about teleporter.

For every successful Symm teleporter play, there is 9 other failed plays. I want my barrier back. I enjoyed the consistent value I could get from it (plus made me way less squishy)

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The fact it’s you Ferret I won’t take your post on a actual level is that you don’t acknowledged the threat of autolock Sym. You just praised 3.0 because you happen to like it more. 120 dps might not be much, but without a doubt it stayed on enemies burning them more than 3.0 wish it would.

3.0 literally dies the same way Ferret. The scenery didn’t change one bit. You just like 3.0 more than the other reworks.

We’re not on the same page because you’re putting assumptions on your experience than knowing her kit. You forgot how potential previous Symmetra was. She just needed a little more tweaks and she was good, but developers ignored it. Now she’s getting tweaks, but still not the ones suggested for over 3 years. Why do you think I dislike their dedication on heroes balance a lot? Until proper changes on heroes balance are made. They’ll forever be looked down on because they worship OWL players.

Teleport ultimate was always fun with Symmetra. She was used more as a flanker support then unlike 3.0.

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From what I understand, devs didn’t like the teleporter gimmick because it made well designed choke point useless.

(But I think there is more factors they aren’t telling us.)

They do seem to have something planned but they haven’t released it yet.

I suggest wait till the next ptr… (I think they could have done it this ptr but some much other stuff was going on, they had to move it.)

Aka whatever they have planned… it’s likely a rework.

Other players choosing to not use a mechanic built into a hero is not a problem with the hero.

Overwatch is a team game not a solo deathmatch game.
Lets use McCree for this example.
McCree has falloff damage making his ability to engage at long range okay but not the best.
McCree has no barrier.

If you combine McCree with someone like Reinhardt or Orisa he becomes quite a force to be reckoned with because he can gain ground safely.

If you combine Symmetra with Reinhardt in particular she is very frightening.
Have you played with a good Reinhardt player who knows when to use your teleporters?
It is incredible to teleport in with him, turret and use your primary.

Knowing when to charge your beam and when to use your secondary fire is a skill.
Beam goes through deflect, Beam is instant hit and can’t be dodged like orbs (Assuming you aim well).

Auto-lock beam wasn’t efficient, It had a 1second ramp up time (per level) 3.0 had a 2 second ramp up on release now it is 1.67 and on PTR it is ???
This is what changed the effectiveness and needs tweaks not the lack of autoaim.

Changing from Auto-lock to requiring aim didn’t affect me, It was everything else that changed that did.
I am not a pro but my primary fire is 43% on stat screen, If I found little to no difference (Talking purely about aim requirement) then people much better than me found little to no difference.

I’m sorry I don’t really understand what you are saying here.

If Tracer is at a distance she is no problem to me, Orbs will do the job.
If she is trying to get in my face my turrets will be limiting where she can freely move and being able to hit her with my powered up beam ensures she will not just move before the orb hits her.

It is more a feature than something to rely on 100% of the time.

Just think about all the times where they target something stupid instead of someone who they would actually kill, It would be nice to have some way to control it.

I really dont get what symm 3.0 is meant to accomplish. She doesnt have enough turrets to control a space so its not that. Her teleporter is a buggy mess with a miniscule interact radius so reliable mobility obviously isnt it. Her primary fire range is too short and symm doesn’t have enough health to reliably fight in close range so its not that. All that leaves is her secondary fire which if thats all shes good for then why not just play junkrat or pharah. While horribly underpowered, at least 2.0 had a purpose.


And it’s not our fault as players that Blizzard keeps reworking characters to make them OP or wreck their ults, that’s why I’m here on the forums complaining about it. The fact that you need to capitalize on the Symmetra wall with a hard push means she’s really only truly valuable on attack, her defensive capabilities are crippled because when defense you can just wait out the shield. If they would at least make it so there was no timer and you HAD to whittle it down- which only takes a single EMP or roadhog ult or bastion, it’s not impossible by any means, I lose walls all the time - then at least it would be somewhat ‘defensively capable’, but the fact that it’s on a timer means the enemy can always just wait a few seconds and then it will be down. I see them doing it all the time, and that’s not even in high level play. Even when you do pop it you can just walk right past it, so it’s kind of worthless when Brawl is currently King.

Me too, Sym 3.0 is absolutely terrible. Literally the worst hero in the game.


I do too especially her old tp :frowning_face: I loved getting my teammates back to the point faster. And her 6 turrets was legit with route control.

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Because the beam was not a threat and if you think that then I’m satisified you’ve never played her in Diamond+ on PC. Same applies to console but Masters+. Yeah you killed the whole team maybe 1/15 games but outside of that you had to pull hardlight dolphins out of your butt to get any value outside of her ults.

And for the record, I hated the rework at first, but then I realized a lot of her changes had to be the result of data Blizzard gathered from her in high ranks or watching how she played there. If you understood how to play her in that setting, 3.0 feels very natural.

Because the suggestions are the same copy paste nonsense that wouldn’t help anything.

+50 shields won’t save you from bad positioning/TP use.

Autolock can’t happen in her current kit nor can old Photon Barrier.

Adding a choice of temporary shield gen alongside TP would overload the UI and be stupidly clunky.


I could go on, but all the suggestions are always terrible I don’t even want to continue typing them.

Especially during overtime, a good teleporter could save a match!

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Indeed, I miss that in overwatch. :frowning:

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Not really. It would just feed the enemy support ults a lot.

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This is just misinformation. They never said they didn’t like TP because it made chokes useless, they only expressed fear in buffing it because of that potential (and it IS there, she has ALWAYS been capable of nullifying a choke even with TP as an ult).

They also already said they have no reworks on their plate.