I miss ow1 so much

5 scatter hanzo dancing in respawn or 6 scatter hanzo dancing in respawn is still a team of scatter hanzo dancing in respawn. :bow_and_arrow:

If what you are looking for is a generic shooter you have COD, CS2, Valorant, APEX, PUBG, etc. If what you are really looking for is a unique game with characters with distinctive gameplay and a strategy system that goes beyond taking shots faster than the rival team, you have the GOTY 2016 (you had it).


Yea that poster I was replying to seems so steadfast in their opinion that 6v6 was the reason OW won GOTY, and that 5v5 was stale, overdone, etc. Kinda silly

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I think what they meant was: “What other games were 5v5 and comparable to OW at the time OW1 was released?”, which nullifies most of those.


True, Overwatch won the GOTY for more reasons. I don’t understand what happened so that the same team went from creating a game of the year and in a matter of years, instead of getting a more solid game, they turned it into one of the most hated games that exist, I’m not just referring to Overwatch 2 but that the decline began in 2018.


Actually…I’m right the vast majority of the time, and saying that anyone who likes OW2 is delusional is quite a disgusting & out of touch claim.


generally, when one states opinions as if they are facts, one is almost never right simply on the basis that the opinion was stated as if it were a fact, when it is not a fact


This is the Aaron Keller vision. Too bad.

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I like Overwatch 2, but I sometimes think about the good old times when jumping into games meant having fun, playing the heroes I like the most in Comp and trying new heroes in Quick Play without feeling that every game is a struggle.

Now, Overwatch feels like a full time job, where there is no fun, I can’t train in Quick Play because it’s soooo competitive, and can’t play Comp because after every win I feel dissappointed for winning too easy, and after every lost game I feel like I will have a hart attack.

Can’t play my heroes if I wanna win, because I have to counter-swap every minute. Can’t play only one hero, trying to learn it so that I won’t need to counter-swap anymore because most of the games are so hard that at the end I feel too broken to learn anything from that experience.

I never played games where winning was so unrewarding and losing was so sweaty, feeling like I just jumped into a pro league without knowing and wanting to.

What Overwatch 1 had and Overwatch 2 doesn’t, is the casual playing. This game is truly enjoyed only by the ones who see this game as a competition where you gotta sweat really hard in order to win. Us, the casual players, are forgotten. We don’t matter anymore

I really, really miss having fun.


Same. It was way beter than this hot trash we got now.But then again, OG devs cared about the game, the new ones dont have that great of a vision for the game.


I remember when Comp and other modes felt balanced, without RoleQ


Open the hero gallery and look at the heroes one at a time. Like a third of them are nowhere near as fun as they used to be to play because of stupid ‘‘reworks’’.


The switch from Ow1 yo ow2 is one of the scummiest moves in gaming history. I wish all the bad things in the world would happen to the person who made that decision and to no one else.



Now they only care about two types of players, the “hardcore” ones who think it’s Valorant or CS2 and those who need to spend all their money savings at the beginning of each season.


im sad i took ow1 for granted and stopped playing it…


( ; _ ; )

RIP: Overwatch
Press Q to Pay Respects


Casual fun is so dead in ow2. Ow1 casual was so much fun. No one actively counterswapped no one cared about winning or losing you just played your fav hero and talked to your rando teammates. New scoreboard is also super toxic the old system would hide stats from your allies only you would know your exact stats so no one blamed the lowest performing teammate by default. Instead of blaming them youd be like what can we do to still get the w? And come up with some stupid sym tp strat that would sometimes work. That was so much healthier


True, the scoreboard is the most toxic thing they have implemented.

I understand that comparing the stats can be useful, but they could have made them only visible in the replay or at the end of the game. Now there are players who care more about having the highest damage than about helping to win the match and now they only know how to blame each other.

Overwatch has become a generic shooter in which the only thing that matters is making elims quicker than the enemy team.


Theres an OW1 private server in development. I’m in the discord. Wouldn’t expect it any time soon but they are looking for help. Honestly a private server with a good community balance team would be the best thing to ever happen to overwatch.