I’m scared for Overwatch

I’m scared for Overwatch. I’m scared for gaming industry in general for us here in the western world. Overwatch as of 2018 has sold over 40 million copies. Currently however, across all of its games, Blizzard has 37 million monthly active users world wide. Blizzard themselves have admitted that they are targeting the Chinese market with games such as Diablo Immortal and alienating the PC Diablo fans that built their franchise. They’ll make heaps of money off of it, and that’ll make it ok for them to continue to ignore the fans that made their company what it is. With the OW devs “promise” to deliver “something big” mid next year that will make us all go “oh so that’s what they’ve been doing” I’ll honestly not be surprised if it’s OW Mobile. Hell why not completely jump on the Fortnite money train and give us OW Battle Royale?! Ranked is dead. The community knows what to do to make it good again, but Blizzard who know all (despite their player base being at an all time low and stock price being halved in 2 months) refuse to listen. Give us a 6v6 ranked mode where you MUST find a 6 stack before going in. Give us tournament weekends where the intent is to win. Give us harsher punishments for trolls, throwers and stream snipers, I swear the number of people quitting because of the rubbish team selection capabilities of a team oriented game would far outweigh the numbers you’d lose by perma banning those morons. Give us the tools to select our own team. And give OWL ban/protects. I quite enjoy watching GOATS, the intricacies of the comp and spectacular to watch for those who know what to look for, unfortunately I don’t know what I’m looking at half the time. I feel like it alienates players Plat and below who don’t even understand that picking fourth dps probably won’t win you the game. DPS players are the biggest player base. Plat/Gold is where the majority of the players are. Yet your Pro Competition is putting on the exhibition of cool down management, communication and positioning that the average players gets no benefit from watching. Not to mention we learn nothing. We can’t hear the communication (like we’d understand it anyway) we can’t take note of positioning without control of camera angles. For example, as an Australian, I love NFL. Yet I can’t find a single friend to watch it with me. “It’s a stupid sport, there’s no skill” I hear. This is because people don’t understand the game. The same goes for Pro OW atm, no one watches because the majority of players don’t understand what they’re watching. Not to mention straight up teasing the community. I’m sure there are many people out there who want to communicate and coordinate with our teams. But there are no tools to ensure that when you go in with 5 completely random people the match maker decides should make a fair match, and lets be honest, what percentage of games actually allow you to play Overwatch in the way that OWL (and apparently the way the devs intended) is played. They gave us a half baked LFG system that even in Plat has ZERO people in it. Ranked is a completely different game to competitive Overwatch. At the very least if you add a ban/protect system you’ll see more of what the majority of people WANT to watch and may be characters that the majority of players actually play. I honestly believe the only way to save the game is to boycott it and scare the devs into listening. I know it’ll never happen, I know this is just my opinion, but I love the game and being forced to step away from it because of the lack of enjoyment is disappointing to say the least. But hey, I guess that’s what happens to companies when they sell their soul to Activision. They go from a gaming company who cares out their gamers, to another publisher who only cares about the bottom line.


The problem is that what you think will save OW is not the same as everyone else.

I want role “Q” and for all the new heroes except Ana, Orissa, Moira to be gone. I hate not playing the role I enjoy because I want to climb. I’d rather wait my turn. I thought the game was perfect and I feel many of the new heroes made it much less enjoyable.

I have no desire for a guild-type system because I want to climb at my own rate in a Solo Q environment.

I don’t think it’s a bad idea, but everyone has their own opinion on what would “save” the game

Woah, woah, woah. Back off my Ashe.

She’s weird dude. Her art style is childish. Her gun is awkward. Her Ult makes me want to face-palm. I enjoy playing her because I like hitscan, but I find all the other hitscans to be more enjoyable to play. The only aspect of her kit I like is the clay-pigeon mechanic for her dynamite. It’s fun, skillful, creative.

She’s not terribly fun to play against either.

Idk man… I like her more than most of the new heroes, but I think the original heroes were designed at a much higher tier

I personally disagree with every point. I don’t see how her art style is childish, or what that has to do with anything. Her gun takes some getting used to compared to other hitscan, but I wouldn’t consider it awkward. I love Bob because he’s an ult made to be used for damage or utility/strategy. She also has great mobility compared to someone like McCree, which is my biggest issue with that hero.

Why not? I can understand why Sombra and CC characters aren’t fun to play against, but what makes Ashe any less fun to play against than any other DPS?


I’d only they’d listen to pros and high rank players and balance the game around them so that the casuals have to learn off the pros creating a cycle of more people watching streams and more people trying to win. If only they didn’t add super mechanically undemanding heroes that beat mechanically demanding heroes easily.

“Why not give use Overwatch Battle Royal” sorry I can’t take you serious anymore go play Fortnite kid.

An Overwatch MOBA mode would be fun.

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“A MOBA of a MOBA would be fun”
Had to say it lol, but I understand what you’re saying. Top down

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i highly doubt they got 37 mil active users anymore maybe 15 to 20 an that every person has 2 to 4 acvoints

Realm Royale was kind of like an overwatch battle royale and people loved it (a lot of the most popular overwatch streamers were playing it) until the developers started making all sorts of ridiculous changes via patches (sound familiar, blizzard?) and the game died.

He means across ALL blizzard games. It’s still a generous number. I’d guess it’s closer to half that.

PC gaming has taken a heavy hit this year, maybe it’s me getting old but there’s just no PC game that holds my interest anymore or that I’m looking forward to (Cyberpunk being the only exception).

Feels like the best games nowadays are just console exclusives :frowning:

The days of the PC master race are over.

lol I mean, it’s close but not quite close. Missing a few pieces like map resources. IDK how you would do it exactly with overwatch, but the play style would be fun to do.

Clans should still be implemented.
You don’t have to use it if you don’t want to.

I never tried it but it can’t be worse than Fortnite. The devs do a better job than Blizzard but the game and its community is just cancer even when compared to overwatches toxic community.

I’m not sure if it’s 37 million active players… I honestly think we’re down to 5…