I’m genuinely angry

The introduction of the workshop feature proves beyond any doubt that Blizzard is completely disconnected from the community.

Nobody asked for this feature, this does nothing to enhance the game, for the reasons why so many of the core players play this game.

Statistically the most dedicated players with the longest playtime are those of competitive players. Whilst it’s true more people play quick play, they do this for a significantly shorter amount of time.
Jeff has said this multiple times.

So why on earth would they introduce a feature which competitive gamers, which are the core player base, would not really be interested in?
This does nothing to enhance the competitive experience. This does nothing to fix the multitude of issues with competitive.

Solutions should be designed to address specific problems, not the other way around. Whilst it may be fun for some people to mess around with, do they seriously think this will bring people back to the game, do they think this will make us happy?

Something like this will have taken a massive amount of development and test time, and whilst it’s fun, adds zero to the reason so many of the core base plays the game.

Why are they not listening and changing core elements of the game?


Biggest facepalm ever,

this is the best feature ever introduced,

it makes the game FUN, the prupose of a game, to have fun,


Was waiting for one of these threads.

It’s been a request for awhile to have more customisation.


This just proves that you’re disconnected. Tons of people have asked for this for years.

Which also happens to be the smallest part of the playerbase.


I think youre the disconnected one here…


People have been asking for more customization since beta


Holy crap, now THIS is entitlement


OP is gonna get dragged, but this DOES NOT FIX.

  1. Quick Play.
  2. Comp.
  3. Game Balance.

Thats all.


I hope OP is just trolling, because it’s almost unbelievable. Especially since this is probably one of the most requested features in forever.


Meanwhile OP seems to be disconnected from reality


I don’t think they are…though then again, they will never reply so we wont know

TBH i’d rather be in Arcade than comp so if we can make genuinely fun game modes and customise hero kits more this will be wonderful to play.


Is this a serious post?
The game has been balanced solely around competitive players for years, and a lot of those balances have created more imbalances for the casual player than the competitive player. They finally threw casual players a bone and this is the best logic you could come up with?

They literally just gave us the tools to do it. The community can be so exceptionally divided sometimes; how are the devs possibly supposed to know what we want, and what will genuinely improve the game for us? Now we, as a community, can address the core issues that we think are core issues, and discover whether the ideas we’ve had for years are actually viable or based in little more than idealism.


Almost every game has its workshop. On Steam at least there are plenty of games who have it.
I think this a nice adition. We’ll have gamemodes, hero prototypes and maybe be able to recreate old hero versions, like Mercy 1.0 or Symmetra 2.0.

Well… kinda it does. Hear me out.

If I want to make adjustments to sym. Say, make her tele cover a slightly larger area, and have leach shields from barriers she is hitting, and making her do slightly less damage. Then I can.

There will be a BUNCH of people working on rebalance mods for the game using this, and, if those become popular, and take off, then you have fixes for game balance.


Why are you bashing the OP? There is truth to his thread. This will not fix the core gameplay issues that are making the game unfun and making players leave. This is merely a bandaid for casual players. OP, Jeff said more features are coming, so just hold on a little longer, if you’re not enjoying the game right now (like me) stop playing until these features arrive, that is what I have been doing.

This feature serves casual players who enjoy game modes like Total Mayhem.


How about instead of complaining about a mode that’s been out for, like, an hour, you use the mode, implement all your most likely ridiculous balance changes you so desire, and show Blizzard how good they are?

Side note: I’m really excited to see an awesome feature like this one!


He doesn’t like it, so no one can.

Now stop enjoying things! How dare you.



People saying this is Blizzard being lazy have no idea what theyre saying. The fact this can be used to test hero balance alone helps everyone reach a more optimal balance state.

If a popular build for a hero gets enough attention, whether that be here or Reddit, it could go into the game and make near everyone happy in the process.


Not likely, as it will be restricted to your lobby, no?

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