“I’m against 2-2-2 because you limit my creativity!”

imagine calling them selfish despite you already having lfg to use your precious 2-2-2 but wanting to force it on the entire community because you cant take the fact you might play against six stacks using lfg despite not having 3+ dps. lfg is everything you need, yet you decide that its limitations are too much and you would rather force 2-2-2 on people that dont want to have entire classes limited across the board. if anyones selfish, its you.


People spent 3 years learning to play a certain way and even if it was frustrating they’re going to count it as a loss.

Calling 5 DPS a creative comp feels kind of like the Bargaining stage of grief to me.

Laughs in balancing


Can’t beat the “I want 2-2-2 because it will help me climb in ranked” meme or the “I’m tired of 4 DPS in my team” when most of their games is already 2-2-2 but they’re just overexaggerating (to justify why they lose a lot).


I can see why this would be.

Its far from selfish to want more structure in a competitive game mode. Neither is it selfish to want all tanks/support players to no longer have to suffer through the chore that is multi dps comps. The selfishness comes mainly from picking without considering the teams needs and in term creating awfully unbalanced comps that hinder the enjoyment for others trying to work as a team, and this is WHY structure is needed badly.

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The Symm on their team “Such a lack of imagination”

I consider ‘‘muh 2 tanks and 2 healers at all times’’ just as much of a meme tbh.


“Beta”, “homie didn’t wan’t no smoke”- I’m cringing real hard right here thanks

I’ve barely seen ANYONE use those arguments lol

It’s not stuck though. Get in line for what you want to play and play from there. Yeah queue times go up for dps. But that’s fine. I’ll wait longer for higher quality.

For me, it is not about “Creativity” but more so that 2-2-2 should NOT be the only to play the game.
There are many different formulas that can work that aren’t 2-2-2, and GOATS/Deathball (Or whatever else you want to call 3 Tank 3 Support) is proof of that.
Hell, even Quad DPS has proven effective in many situations.

So I ask to simply not take that ability for “non-standard” comps away from us who wish to use them. Or at the very least allow for us a way to play Non-Standard setups. Maybe give LFG that capability or something.

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please… you live in old times.

6 DPS meta is the new meta.

Pro ‘creativity’ players seem to witness these occurences at an astonishingly higher rate than anyone else.

Why do you force me to play the way you want?

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What is playing in a 222 forcing you to do?

Forcing me to be locked into a role and reduce my flexibility?

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Limiting you to one role, forcing me to stay on that role.
Even if i want to opt out based on what the enemy is playing.

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You can play any role you want, at a rate of 1 per game.

Yah, so I’m forced to be stuck in a role all game. Glad we can agree on something.