I love the event's weekly challenges

it makes the event a bit more fun than just another bland year
Now if only they could spice up some changes to lucio ball like double speed mode or moon jumping without a pad.

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If only they were actual challenges (like in virtually every other game that has something along the lines of weekly challenges) instead of the basic ‘win 9 games’…

Like, it’s really not hard to come up with something. Just things like ‘do x healing’, ‘block x damage’, ‘get x objective kills’ or ‘kill x (insert role) heroes’ could already be nice… just something else than the very bare minimum that’s been done 3 times already. Is that really too much to ask?


what, winning 9 games?


Winning games to get a mediocre item isn’t a “challenge” and shouldn’t be counted as such.
It should be challenging, as in something you don’t normally do.
Just winning games isn’t a challenge.
There’s nothing special about it.

i’d love that OW is kinda boring atm and having something unique to strive for would be way better

yah it gives a goal and doesnt need to be in arcade. it could be better tho. but hey free items. I hope they make them yearly exclusive to make the skins be more collectible

Theres a good reason for this…everyone,no matter what character he plays,has the same chance. If you need x blocked dmg you will see orisa every game,if you need dmg the mercy mains will start crying etc.
And real challenges would result in tryharding and really bad games. Be careful what you wish for.

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Glad you like it. I hate it. XP

I wish it was just “Play X number of games” instead of adding on the tedium of having to win 9 per week.

I’d also be happy if the “challenges” were quirky and fun, instead of just having to win. But ah well.

How is that differend than normal 9 wins in arcade for anyone…
Its also weekly chalange on its own.

They could always randomize the challenges so that people don’t all have the same at once. Or like in HotS currently, let players choose the order in which they want to do the challenges.

They can also add the requirement that you need to finish the game in order for progress towards the challenge to count to prevent people from leaving once they’ve completed their challenge. If people start throwing instead, they can make so you only get credit for the challenge in winning games (HotS does this).

And such challenges seem to work decently in other games, why would Overwatch be the only exception?