I LOVE Pharah's New Lateral Jump Jets! <3

Pharah is gonna be a pain in the butt but she will most likely come down a whole lot more often than before because fuel no longer regens in air

…both move you in a straight line. Have you never played pharah?

And concussive blast is still much stronger than the new ability.

I was choosing a random skill from another character because what you said has nothing to do with what I said.

remember when they gave her fast-fall, failed to bugtest it, removed it in a hotfix without changing the patch notes, and then never brought it back?
but hey, Lunge 4 in the game, epic xD

Would Tracer function differently with only 1 blink?

Or how about Junkrat with only 1 mine?

Try it out first, and then tell me that is a fair comparison, lol.


𓂀 Pharah ideas thread

Would it help to know that I originally got into class based shooter design, as a Starsiege Tribes modder, where every class is basically some version of Pharah.

Where it includes both concussion grenades, and horizontal dashes?

Or that I basically suggested a very similar design to the current Pharah, 3 months ago.

Along with a Tank/DPS regen passive with a 5sec activation delay, and 20% less midcombat heals?

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Yes, yes it very much was. Leaning so hard into vertical mobility was sabotaging her viability.

Yes, I know, you modded shifter, which someone else made and you changed a few numbers. Good job!

it should have been in the game since the start, no reason to have had the jets tied to her rclick to begin with…spacebar works just fine lol

So why are you acting like I don’t know much about how jetpack characters with rocket launchers work?

Or that evasive movement has no value?

You’re coming at me with “Why could you possibly want anything more than moving in a straight line”, like that’s an ironclad unimpeachable opinion.

It’s almost painful how myoptic that is.

When did I say that?

And what makes you think that making a few number adjustments to someone elses mod makes you an expert in the field of video game design? Did anyone even play your version? I doubt it. Shifter was never even very popular to begin with, much less your version. If it even had ANY players.

But now you don’t have to use conc blast for that. Instead you use it for its actual purpose, or to secure a kill since direct hit+direct hit+conc blast = 270 damage.

Yeah, and all I had to lose was the ability to fly. Yay!

I did a total rehaul of 52,000 lines of spagetti code, including a crash backup system that rebuilt all the 40+ deployables, kept score, flag locations, limited nuke ammo etc.

It had 40 servers running it, and 2 years of tournament play, with 20 teams.

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So, no one played it. Sounds about what I thought.

I went from 77 percent airtime to 66. It’s not that big of a deal. I have had no issues with hanging in the skybox when I want to. I just hang out on rooftops a little more.


So have you ever worked on designing a class based shooter?

We’ve had this very same conversation before. I don’t feel like going through it again. Maybe use your memory.

Regardless of what I’ve done, you should view your failure modding shifter (which I don’t know why you chose that unpopular mod anyways), as a sign that you don’t know what you are talking about.

Yeah, where you claim to work in game development in some capacity.

But I never got a straight answer on whether that has anything to do with class based shooters.

So I’ll ask again.

Have you ever worked on designing a class based shooter?

It’s a simple yes or no question.