I love low skill heroes

Sorry but I don’t always want to have to aim and always pop off on widow or Ana. I’d rather play Brig and Moira and perform well every time


ok glhf in your games
would recommend muting match chat btw

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IKR. All I see is M1M1M1

last time i played rein someone called me
f a and i think you can continue that word on your
they called me that because apparently rein needs no skill n is worst hero in-game (the opposing main tank said that btw) yet i outplayed him every single time we fought baffles me

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I am glad not every hero in the game is a hitscan. Variety is the spice of life


No problems mate. Enjoy who ever you want to play.

Only problems are when the loud minority of low skill mains demand equal power like that of high skill heroes, but without the practice. Like when the loud minority of feminists demanding equal rights but not equal responsibilities (I think both genders are equal don’t flame me).


No hero is low skill. Every hero requires some form of game sense, mechanical skill, and-or form of mastery.


holding m1 and gnawing on crayons isn’t only other option to hitscan

there’s projectile, there’s beam, and theres melee (and Winston which is basically melee) but not braindead.

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Someone can hold m1 on winston and eat crayons yes
Someone can hold m1 on rein and eat crayons yes
Someone can hold m1 on Brig and eat crayons yes
Someone can hold m1 on old lockon Sym and eat crayons yes

Someone can also bring them to a very high skill of play with outsmarting, gamesense, cooldown management, and baiting enemies to get to the very top levels of ranking with these heroes.


All work no m1 makes Jack a dull boy


I’ve a new appreciation for them. I’m a high plat/diamond player and have been forever. Mainly because I’ve at this point have mained 80% of the cast at one point or another.

Now I want to see how high I can push my rank. This means I need to focus on keeping my mechanical skill high on my mains. I don’t flex much now a days but sometimes with the lack of healing I will need to if I want that W. Brig/Moira have been a god send for those games. Don’t need to worry about mech skills and just focus on doing what I need to do to win.

That’s not really the definition of “low skill heroes”, it’s just the definition of heroes who don’t take mechanical skill to do well on. I don’t think anyone would claim that Winston is a low skill hero, right? And yet you need zero aim to do well on him. I think you just enjoy heroes with which how well you do is due to your gamesense or strategy, as opposed to mechanical skill.

I knew before reading the end of the sentence that Moira would be there.

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Common misconception. You need to be able to aim your Jet Pack jumps perfectly to be a true monster on Winston. Getting where you want to go exactly is key.


“Common misconception” my Ashe. :smiley: You’re just using the same term (aiming) to describe two different concepts. When people talk about landing Winston jumps they don’t use the term aiming for it, because it’s not really that, it’s related but it’s more like guiding momentum. You could say it’s still mechanical skill and I’m right there with you, but it’s definitely not aim.

It’s kind of irrelevant to the point though, which is that Winston takes far less mechanical skill (or aim, or whatever you want to call it) to play at a GM level than a Widowmaker does, and yet he’s no more “low skill” than she is.

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Huh? The trajectory of his jump is determined by your reticule on screen, plus height differences, your movement after leap, whether you jump or not, ect. It absolutely takes aim.

I feel you op. I love my chill, low intensity heroes. Partly because I game to relax, and partly because of my nerve damage. I don’t expect to hard carry games with them, but I enjoy chilling on Mercy and doing what I can.

I love when people rage about my “low skill” hero choices in qp as if it matters.

Same difference. Mastering Winston jumps and being able to do it in a fraction of a second (reacting) is way harder then moving my crosshairs over a target. If you angle the jump wrong from activation it doesn’t matter how well you guide that jump, your not going to hit your intended target.

He explains it better

To be fair thats just what you are mostly doing on those heroes

How is that “same difference”? Do you know of any weapon whose projectiles you have to guide midflight? Not to mention that landing anywhere in the area surrounding the target when you can move while getting there is vastly easier than actually landing a shot on their actual model, and even if you miss a bit you still deal (somewhat decreased) damage.

Winston is by far my best hero in the game, he’s the hero I mostly used to climb with and yet my aim is awful :man_shrugging:

So no,

I strongly disagree with this point. And I’m not saying Winston is an easy hero to do well on, just saying that you don’t need good aim to do so. There’s different aspects of mechanical skill than just aim, and movement coordination is definitely a part of it, which is what’s required to perform good leaps with Winston.

By that definition jumping from one ledge to another with any hero in the game requires aim too. Your jump trajectory is determined the same way, height differences and movement after jump affect it, whether you jump or not also affects it. I still wouldn’t put videos of me jumping onto things as Soldier into my “crazy aim compilation” (assuming I had the aim required and desire to make one). :smiley: