I LOVE 1/3/2. I cant go back

Oh, I see it now. Some people in this forum are so rude sometimes.

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As a Sombra main, I agree completely. 1-3-2 has been an absolute blast, and 2-2-2 feels like a constant repetitive uphill battle. This has been organized chaos, with hectic fast and fun team fights, not a minute of poke before anyone can engage.

It’s nice being impactful for a change.


When people talk about “Tank Variety” in 2-2-2, they really just mean “Well, Karen picked Hammond so Jared has to Rein/barrier, kthx”.

People pushed to make healing a part of every support. Many probably want to do the same with Barriers in the Tank role. In their eyes, a second tank means two chances at getting a barrier. I would love to see the devs take a hard look at each tank and figure out how to make them feel valuable while keeping their kits unique!


Every other support feels much worse to play. It’s like trying to put out fires all over the map with zero coordination. It’s experimental, so I obviously don’t expect total balance, but it’s very unbalanced feeling.

More than tanks would need to be wildly overhauled to even remotely make this work. Luckily, Jeff said this mode is just here for the week, and than the experimental mode is going to have more balances changes for the proper game. A fun thing to try, though!


Nah. Every support feels actually meaningful.
Ana and Zen don’t have shields in their face, blocking their dps and heals and discords.
Moira and Baptiste’s high damage output and high survivability enable them to make plays and get picks safely while also healing alot.
Lucio and Mercy get to be mobile anywhere on the map as they like to. They get to use their utility of speed and damage boost on any dps and constantly provide strong support by winning dps’ duels just by helping your own dps.
Brigitte is an absolute brawler and flankers are intimidated to even come poke you. You get to have a pressence of your own. Youre no longer just an accessory on Reinhardts hip.
1/3/2 brings out the ability to CARRY AS SUPPORT. Learn to survive, and you will shine.


Sombra is broken in this mode. You can have 2 dps and have sombra hack the ONLY tank and just delete it.
The weakness of sombra was lack of damage but with 3 dps her weakness is actually gone.


true, would love to see this in comp. Quickplay defenses are too long and very bad matchmaking

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It’s fun because it’s different but the game play is NOT good or even close to what Overwatch should be like over all.

All the depth of the game is smashed down into almost nothing and you just spread out and shoot at stuff from off angles. If you hang out near your solo tank you pretty much never die as support.

It’s like skirmish Death match, not objective game play anymore. I also highly suspect part of the reason it’s “fun” is a whole lot of players are just trash at DPS in general.
So with faster DPS queue times it’s this flood of “Oh boy I can play!!” and then they do NOT have the sort of impact SR correct for 3k+ players would have when running 1-3-2.

I strongly suspect if we were all in SR correct mode entire teams would be getting wiped out left and right by one sniper, one Reaper ULT etc. Where as right now ya sure it’s fun, I can slaughter metal SR players all over the place as a meh 3k player on support.

but again, 3xDPS at 3k+? I could not even remotely get away with this sort of “fun” game play.


Ah yeah… I love being one shot and focused even more.


Ah, you actually dont know that the healers who climbed ladder before 222 got the skill to survive?
The game existed before 222. And healers learned to survive on their own. How to use their cooldowns exclusively for self preservation. How to dodge, how to use your movement to make you harder to hit. What corners you should play.
All these things add up to a collection of skills that you’re PROUD of.
Now. 222 gives you 2 tanks to just. Sit behind. And if you move out and get killed youre actually throwing.
Imagine how pointless all the skills you learned are now. How you use. None of them.
Its pathetic.
222 is pathetically easy and predictable.


i like this a lot. the faster pace is nice

if you only play mercy, you play the game wrong, try other heroes and other roles too and maybe come back to this post and edit it again.


tank dont need polish, they need BIG BUFFS

agree, the reason people play dps is that tanks are not fun to play.

Now dont come and say “tanks are fun to play what are you saying im a 1000 hr tank main”. Sure it maybe for you but for the majority of the community it isnt as appealing as dps is.

Blizzard should drift away from the concept of main tanks and make all of them just tanks that basically can 1 vs 1 any dps, like a raid boos if you like.

you have 3 weaker dps to deal with that. Tanks should always be able to 1 vs 1 dps, and i really love what you have done to D.Va as well.

Bully D.Va is back baby. Im coming for you reaper boys.


I’m Mercy main and tried other heroes.
At start I disagree with the idea of having 3 DPS players, but ever since I started playing I just loved it.

There’s more action in to the game, decision making is more important, support utility is more important, Tanks now can be solo without the same meta over and over again!

I prefer to have this than Reinhardt all day long or double shield barrier where I just pocket a DPS that stand still the whole match.

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Dva is definitely better than Hog or Sigma right now but theres a full tier between where her and Ball are and where Rein and Zarya are. Playing anyone but Rein or Zarya is borderline throwing unless the other tank is also playing someone else

you do know that if this go live, and become norm, things will get stale just as what you feel now right? and no, either the hero choices in your pool is very restricted to certain kind of playstyle, or in your games, picking different heroes doesnt really matter.

btw, there is dive comp in 222, winston, dva, genji, tracer. just because dev nerfed dva bad and winston most of the time cant perform as he is suppose to be, dive is not that meta.

i think you are just happy that you get to shift around places as players scramble around alot more, which is bad for most heroes that are designed to play and perform around teams.

it is not that i dont want mercy to feel bad to play as, which i really want mercy to feel good to play. but this is a wrong direction.

I agree with you as A tank main I feel like I’m in the minority who is loving these changes they really feel great to play as tank to me. I’m sure with some balancing tweaks to the tanks this mode would 100% be more fun to play then 2-2-2 for everyone flat out. for me it is already equally fun and a breath of fresh air the game really needed.


curious what tanks do you play. cause i felt the exact opposite hahaha

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As a dps player.the game just becomes who is more mechanically gifted. It is nice not to deal with how oppressive tanks can be and this game would be an fps with these changes but it also takes away what makes overwatch the game it is.